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9/11 Transcripts and Police Reports

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posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 08:37 AM
These are transcripts of communications on 9-11. They were released only after the New York Times sued the New York Port Authority for their discloser. What was the Port Authority trying to hide....?

9/11 Transcripts and Police Reports

After the documents had been released to the media, a spokesperson for the Port Authority told The Memory Hole that it would not be able to get this material. "We're screening pretty carefully," she said on the phone, adding that the only way we'd see these documents would be to get our hands on a set already released to a media outlet. She also said, without prompting, that the Port Authority will never put these public documents online.

After invoking the Port Authority's freedom of information policy, we were able to get the material, but only after paying $500 (a ridiculous 25 cents per page). Thanks to the generosity of contributors, we were able to cough up the money.

The material will be posted in chunks, with new portions every week until it's all online.
Complete transcripts:

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 08:47 AM
Chilling reading, it's bringing a tear to my eye reading the police transcripts. It brings me back to that horrible day.

Thanks for the links.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Zzub
Chilling reading, it's bringing a tear to my eye reading the police transcripts. It brings me back to that horrible day.

Thanks for the links.

Let's just hope we can gain a deeper, more clear understanding of what exactly took place in the swirl that day. Maybe then we can blow away some of the smoke and mirrors.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 10:46 AM
Have just finished reading these.... I feel... I dunno what I feel.... pretty choked up that's for sure. Brought it all back.... the panic stricken radio transcripts and un-answered roll-calls are disturbing.....hell

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by UniversalFiction
Have just finished reading these.... I feel... I dunno what I feel.... pretty choked up that's for sure. Brought it all back.... the panic stricken radio transcripts and un-answered roll-calls are disturbing.....hell

Cheer up, man. It'll pass. (Bow of the head) It's better to know than to be in the dark.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 07:38 AM
I wonder, how long 9/11 will be talked about. Do all the terroriest have to be gone, for it to stop. I guess it will always be talked about, but so openly. It seems to be getting old, I realize this thread is 6 months old, nothing against this thread, or you ECK.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 08:16 AM
I think 9-11 will always be talked about. It was a watershed moment in American history - like Pearl Harbor was for our grandparents. We will never forget that day.. where we were when it happened, what we were doing..

I was drinking my morning coffee, ironing my shirt for work, listening to the Bob & Cherie morning show.. suddenly Bob said "Oh my God! An airplane has just flown into...." I knew it was a terrorist attack of some sort and I had to high step it and get to work fast.

There's nothing wrong with talking about it. We all shared the tragedy. It belongs to us all.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

There's nothing wrong with talking about it. We all shared the tragedy. It belongs to us all.

Indeed, the shock reached around the world, the tradgedy will never be forgotten. Let truth one day be known.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
I wonder, how long 9/11 will be talked about. Do all the terroriest have to be gone, for it to stop. I guess it will always be talked about, but so openly. It seems to be getting old, I realize this thread is 6 months old, nothing against this thread, or you ECK.

It will always be talked about, never forgotten !

Just as Pear Harbor, Vietnam... etc...

[Edited on 21-4-2004 by elevatedone]

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 09:31 AM
I guess you guys are right, I guess as long as ther is question about it... Maybe if answers tha made people happier about the truth, what ever that might be, it will die down.

Is it in school history books yet?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 09:33 AM
It is without a doubt THE SEMINAL EVENT OF THE 21ST CENTURY (to date) and the true perpetrators must be brought to justice if our nation is ever to be restored to a Constitutional Republic and the evil overlords who now monopolize and plunder it are to finally be sent packing.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 09:35 AM
You are the FLAG founder right? Any links to that?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
I guess you guys are right, I guess as long as ther is question about it... Maybe if answers tha made people happier about the truth, what ever that might be, it will die down.

Is it in school history books yet?

It will always be a discussed event. So long as there are people who could have done it better, or not let it happen. The same can be said for any event in history. Someone could have always done a better job.

Isn't hindsight great.

BTW it is in the History books now.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 09:42 AM
FLAG never had a website, and after receiving certain threats (followed by my decision to leave the country for awhile) has not reconvened. We did do a good deal of collaborative research, though I was the primary force behind it. We never had more than 30 members at any given meeting.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by mepatriot
FLAG never had a website, and after receiving certain threats (followed by my decision to leave the country for awhile) has not reconvened. We did do a good deal of collaborative research, though I was the primary force behind it. We never had more than 30 members at any given meeting.

Could you be a little more specific about the threats?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by mepatriot
FLAG never had a website, and after receiving certain threats (followed by my decision to leave the country for awhile) has not reconvened. We did do a good deal of collaborative research, though I was the primary force behind it. We never had more than 30 members at any given meeting.

Is that the group of pilots/experts the Portugese newpaper wrote about? (Global Hawk)

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 10:06 AM
I don't know the overall air(e) of ATS's take on the 'commission' but this is a total joke. The 'radios' were obviously 'bad' as per their signaling capacity and Rudy Ghouliani should be blamed for this phase.

Between (INAUDIBLE) and (HEAVY STATIC) appearing throughout the transcripts, I have to give the ex-Mayor an 'F' for not getting them up to code and a list of others complaints from yours truly and a lot of disgruntled NYers.

The firefighters were still using the antiquated “handie-talkie” radios that failed to work during the 1993 bombing of the twin towers, when Giuliani was also mayor. He not only failed to replace them, but also located the city’s new emergency command centre at the World Trade Center against the advice of key officials. It proved useless when it was most needed.

Lack of communication also meant that warnings from police helicopters about an imminent collapse failed to get through.

“Giuliani told everybody the bodies were pulverised, but I was digging them up every day. It was grisly stuff, limbs, little bones - people were blown to bits - but the bodies were there,” said Riches, 55.

The searchers refused to stop. An ugly clash between the firefighters and the New York police left 18 officers injured. Eventually Giuliani backed down and allowed the work to continue, but not before branding the firefighters’ actions as “sinful”.

Hey, Ghouliani -- Biden's right about you, "noun, verb and 9/11" -- which is such a farce since to people of NY -- you failed. We read about you day after day prior to this tragedy, mob ties, marital affairs in the mansion, "quality of life" and a slew of other politician issues but I'll stick to, when S11 happened, your true colors came out further -- you have no chance at the presidency when stories like this make the rounds more, you're a f'n loser who should be in prison, or at least defamed and denounced as a simple mafia bum.

[edit on 18-11-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 10:39 AM
Didn't you miss the police reports and trancripts of a missile being fired at the towers from the Woolworth building?

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

...heard that one, haven't gotten to the actual quotes yet, there isn't enough time in a day to research this properly.

What kills me today, is the 'commission' doesn't have enough money to have a "proper investigation" but we already know the credibility of Kean & Hamilton.

The Commission was established by the 2003 Intelligence Authorization Act (H.R. 4628) to (1) conduct an investigation, (2) identify, review and evaluate lessons learned, and (3) issue a report to the President and Congress containing findings, conclusions and recommendations.

When Kean was appointed to replace severely conflicted Henry Kissinger, he asserted his only constituency was the students at Drew.

Well, it turns out that is not exactly true. Kean sits on the Board of Directors of Amerada Hess, one of the world's leading independent oil and gas companies. The company is coupled with Delta Oil, a Saudi Arabia company in a joint venture called Delta-Hess. Delta-Hess in turn is a partner in Azerbaijan with a consortium developing Caspian Sea oil resources.

Delta Oil is owned by the two Saudi families of Khalid bin Mahfouz and Mohammed Hussein al Amoudi. Both are alleged to be major financial backers of Osama bin Laden and have been named in a lawsuit by families and survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Bin Mahfouz is Osama's brother-in-law. His sister married bin Laden.

The long-time member of the CFR also forgot to mention his role as general partner in Quad Ventures LLC. Quad is a limited partnership operating in the $815 billion education industry whose partners include; Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch Community Development, Wells Fargo bank and insurance giants Prudential Financial and Wachovia. Top officials in most of those companies are also CFR members. Both Citigroup and Morgan Chase are deeply involved in the Enron scandal. Citigroup received a slap on the wrist when found to have laundered hundreds of millions of dollars in drug money which some suspect helped fund terrorism.

Commission vice chairman and former congressman Lee Hamilton was appointed to replace former senate majority leader George Mitchell (CFR), who like Kissinger declined to disclose potential conflicts of interest and resigned. Hamilton, a CFR member since at least 1988, was chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Select Intelligence Committee.

In 1987, House Speaker Jim Wright (who later resigned in disgrace) appointed Hamilton to chair a committee investigating the Iran/Contra affair. When a question was raised about CIA/Contra drug smuggling, the response was release by Hamilton of a cursory review that concluded there was no truth to the charges. The CIA recently released a report (that received almost no publicity) admitting the drug connection.

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by anhinga
...heard that one, haven't gotten to the actual quotes yet, there isn't enough time in a day to research this properly.

Heard that, the original report for the missile is in the 9/11 commission report. There is also some Port Autority radio transcripts, and a photo of damage to the roof of the Woolworth building.

[edit on 18-11-2007 by ULTIMA1]

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