posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 09:56 AM
The 6 ideas that are presented on dealing with the situation on Iraq.
1. Rapid Withrawal
2. Phased Withrawal
3. Add more troops, stay there
4. Partitioning
5. Benchmark for the Iraqi govt. and the people
6. Status quo
1. Rapid Withrawal
Pull the troops out of Iraq as soon as possible, possibly that would take months to do.
Reason for that, the American people do not support this U.S. involvement.
Not to mention that the polls shows that Americans want troops out immediately.
Rep. John Murtha advocates this plan.
Drawback: Iraq becomes a failed state, possible new haven for Al Qaeda and its allies.
2. Phased Withrawal
Withdraw troops by reducing troop levels yearly.
Ongoing occupation increase extremism and terrorism, anti-American, military stretched thin.
Senator Carl Levin presented this idea.
Problem: can't reduce troops while there is still fighting, increased fighting mostly provokes increasing troop levels.
3. Add more troops, staying in Iraq
Increase troop level by another 60,000 personnel.
Use counterinsurgency methods. Provide security and economic stability. Win hearts and minds.
Senator John McCain is advocating this.
Problem: The U.S. military does not have more troops to implement that idea, also possible problems with recruiting. Training and equiping would take
too long.
4. Partititioning
Divide Iraq into 3 autonomous states.
Kurds, Sunnis, Shiites can't coexist at this stage.
Senator Joe Biden presents this plan.
Drawback: ethnic cleansing, minorities force to move out. Not to mention that they are everywhere like for example Baghdad. Similar situation to
India and Pakistan during their independence between Muslims and Hindus where they fled to safety.
5. Benchmarks for the Iraqis
Establishing the goals so that American troops can leave.
Similar to phased withdrawal, but its based on events not dates.
President Bush presented this idea.
Problem: impossible promises, can't see the future.
6. Status Quo
Where we are at right now.
If you have any new ideas that are not included from the top, please add some. Also, which plan do you prefer and why?