posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:42 PM
I found this on youtube "the russian alien" someone know what are that codes and symbols?
It could be an error but when i try to contact the two users that are cover by this symbols one of them close the account, and I did it immediately so
I sent the data of one of the projects to an expert and reply me with this info:
"This project from Gerstein Lab research in the field of bioinformatics, sequences the genomes of a large number of peoplto provide a comprehensive
resource on human genetic variation...
Well and this exerpt you have sent me is one of this researches.
Without deciphering this data, it is an comprehensive analysis of pseudogenes in prokaryotes, means: disabled copies of known genes.Overall in
prokaryotes its generally believed that they are rare. So they carry out different genes in different selection of prokaryotes plus occurance. Those
are associated with specific families and this list just shows off the direct role in DNA transposition. To draw a conclusion ...they found a
significant difference in the number of horizontally transferred pseudogenes in strains of ecoli and pseudogenes are more than twice as have likely as
genes to have anomalous codon. To look precisely , genes havingrecently fallen out of use for an organism are oftendetectable in the genome as
pseudogenes, so disacbled copies of genes are characterized by disruption of reading and stopcodons,leads to duplication formation tends to occur in
protein families, and is in many cases linked to the generation of functional diversity. That is all i can say to this".