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When will the minority realize?

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posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 01:56 AM
The majority of people already realize that 9.11 was an inside job. I can't understand how a small minority still hold to the fiction. Don't they realize that their leaders won't help them in times of trouble?

"When terrorism strikes you're on your own" George W Pussy * opps I mean Bush.

[edit on 7-11-2006 by kriegott]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:12 AM
I beg to differ. The only poll that has suggested government involvement rather than a cover-up has shown us that believers of the conspiracy are the minority. Even then, this poll was only done on 1,010 people and also suggested failure to act along with involvement.

I'll believe the theories the second they offer some solid proof. Yes, I know you think what you have now is proof but quite frankly... it's not. It wouldn't hold up in court for a second.

George W Pussy * opps I mean Bush.

To be honest that ruins any kind of credibility you have. I would expect that from my 13 year old sister.

If you wish to convince me of something, offer me some proof and show some maturity.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 03:01 AM
wow that is a pretty bold statement, especially considering it's not true.

if you polled the majority of the usa, you would find that the conspirocy nuts are the ones who are out numbered.

only reason u think it's the other way around is b/c you live in a box that lets you belive what u want to belive, which is the reason u refuse to belive that 9-11 was actually terrorists in the first place.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 03:35 AM
True, and if you look outside ATS - it's a whole different ball game kriegott.

I know a girl who is VERY anti-Bush. Cried when he got re-elected and attends every protest she can. You would think she'd buy into 9/11 CT's. Apparently not.

Most of the other people I know either take it all as a grain of salt or don't believe it. I do have a few mates that buy into it though. And I respect their opinion and don't force stupid movies made by film school drop outs onto them.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 03:54 AM
I will give you 6 polls that says you are dead wrong Fungi.

This poll was done 11/10/04
Along with this poll right around the RNC Convention in NYC in 04.

Then we have this poll done by Wecomeinpiece from ATS.

Then we have a few recent polls.
(This one I am going to discount because you know how groupies are.)

Then we have 2 very recent polls here.


So there you have it the guy above you was right, You continue to live in a box.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:20 AM
To quote myself due to your laziness to correctly read my post...

I beg to differ. The only poll that has suggested government involvement rather than a cover-up

First poll you posted - Cover-Up - Doesn't suggest involvement

Second poll - WRONG - Funded by 9/11 Truth this poll is as bad as it gets

Third poll - Bias Performed by a member of a conspiracy fourm... please.

Fourth Poll - Cover-Up - Even I agree with a cover up of Flight 93. That doesn't suggest involvement.

Fifth Poll - Un-answered Questions - Simply implies unanswered questions. Says nothing about involvement.

Sixth Poll - Sure - A poll with some credibility, about time. Even then, you've hardly got a clear majority of people as the original poster suggests. You've got 3 questions. One is Yes, the other is no and the final answer is not sure. An answer that says something like "I've heard there is evidence" would probably get alot more answers than plainly saying there is evidence.

Someone who talks to a friend on the street who mentions government involvement is likely to believe what they are told until they research both sides. Thus answering 'yes' to the poll.

Seriously though - 5/6 being dodgy polls.... weak dude. Especially when I made clear the point about Involvement vs Cover Up in my first post.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:33 AM
Who care's what the majority think? They're usualy wrong anyway.
The majority are the easiest group to manipulate.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:33 AM

Ahh Involved and Involvement is 2 different words now?

And I believe the part above the poll states INVOLEMENT Does it not?

debunking911 site is about as credible as fox news. Next..

I didn't pull these polls out of thin air, they were shown all over the planet and all walks of life voted for them. I don't want to hear that crap about being 1 sided.

Show me polls that state otherwise...

I show you clear cut polls from 3 sources and thats all you have to say.. Prove these polls wrong if you think they are BS.. That is all I hear from you and idiots like hannidy and O'Reilly.. All they spew is garbage and clutter for your mind...

I want you to back up your claims and show me POLLS that state the contrary.. Catch is it has to be real news sites.

Originally posted by ANOK
Who care's what the majority think? They're usualy wrong anyway.
The majority are the easiest group to manipulate.

Its aight man I got it covered.
I really want to see this proof that states the opposite of what i showed.

[edit on 11/7/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:49 AM

Ahh Involved and Involvement is 2 different words now?

And I believe the part above the poll states INVOLEMENT Does it not?

No I never said that. I'm saying the last poll is the only credible one but even then it fails to provide enough options to answer to. A lot of people who answer this poll have probably heard there is evidence, but failed to look at the counter arguments.

Most of your polls suggest a cover-up, or are done by a conspiracy website. For a poll to be fair you have to get your answers from a variety of sources... not a conspiracy website.

debunking911 site is about as credible as fox news. Next..

Typical mate, real typical. Like I've said before in other threads... as soon as something comes along to debate you guys and put your 'theories' to rest you dismiss them as working for the government and continue your rant which has just been debunked.

I didn't pull these polls out of thin air, they were shown all over the planet and all walks of life voted for them. I don't want to hear that crap about being 1 sided.

Yes they aren't pulled out of thin air, yes they show people from all walks of life.... who gather on a conspiracy forum. The two polls that suggested government involvement can be linked back to whack-job CT'ers. The Zogby poll was funded by 9/11 Truth and the other one was performed on a conspiracy theory website.

Show me polls that state otherwise...

One Third = 33% = Minority

I show you clear cut polls from 3 sources and thats all you have to say.. Prove these polls wrong if you think they are BS..

I'm not saying they are wrong. I'm saying they don't ask a question that is relevent to government involvement or are gathered from a bias source.

Asking if the government covered up parts of 9/11 is different to asking if the government planned the attacks. VERY different.

That is all I hear from you and idiots like hannidy and O'Reilly.. All they spew is garbage and clutter for your mind...

9/11 Conspiracies being used to push your political agenda perhaps?

I want you to back up your claims and show me POLLS that state the contrary..

See Above.

Catch is it has to be real news sites.

Says the guy who just posted 5/6 polls from nothing to do with a real news site.

Its aight man I got it covered.
I really want to see this proof that states the opposite of what i showed.

Despite the fact you clearly don't "have this covered" I have shown you a poll that shows you that you guys are a minority. Which is aligned with my first point in this thread.

[edit on 7/11/2006 by doctorfungi]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:57 AM
And just for a bit of a laugh...

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:39 PM
Just for a laugh?

Aide to Cheney regarding aircraft heading for washington.

"Sir the plane is 50 miles out."

"Sir the plane is 20 miles out"

"Sir the plane is 10 miles out do the standdown orders still stand?"

"Yes they still stand have I said anything to the contrary"

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 04:48 PM
I've come to learn that those who ignorantly refuse to look at the facts of why people believe 9/11 was an inside job,are those who are too self important to care.As long as their everyday life dosent change in the present,its of no concern of theirs.And the other have would be the rich or those involved.Too many people like to live in their safe bubble like existance.What some fail to realize is that,9/11 was more than a "terroist" attack.Its been a green light event for everything this administration has done in the name of it.The official story of 9/11 has more wholes in it than the ideas of those trying to figure out the truth.So for one to say "conspiracy nut" is kinda like the pot calling the kettle black.To believe the official story can be as foolish as believing the 9/11 truth,right?

Look who has benefited

1.NSA Phone Tapping
3.Patriot Act 1&2
4.War in Iraq
5.War on Terror
6.Shreding the Bill of Rights
7.Undermining the Costitution
9.Hapious Corpses watered down
Bush & Company

If you look at history,is it really that hard to believe that government dosent care about you?

[edit on 7-11-2006 by Black_Fox]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:53 PM
Why is fox news not credible?? Because they don't agree with the wacked out world that you live in.

Many of those people are the easily manipulated ones. Many will allow a blind hatred of our president to cloud their vision.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by spinstopshere
Why is fox news not credible??

Thanks i needed a good laugh.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox

Originally posted by spinstopshere
Why is fox news not credible??

Thanks i needed a good laugh.

I am glad i am amusing but why are you dancing around the question. It is straight forward no.

Truth hurts doesn't it.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox

Originally posted by spinstopshere
Why is fox news not credible??

Thanks i needed a good laugh.

And I suppose you think C.....BS is credible.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 10:02 AM
Doctor Fungi...
How about this for you to think about... It's neither here nor there as to the exact number who feel the U.S was "involved", or helped to "aid", or "knew" things were taking place... or if people have "questions" surrounding 9|11. WHAT REALLY MATTERS is that there are scholars in this country, around the world, etcetera who, along with the "common people", feel that one of THE WORST tragedies in modern history could have been prevented, could have been aided, could have "involved", this world's superpower. FOR ANY DOUBT AT ALL that something this big, this life-changing, could have doubt surrounding it, is all that matters.

I could care less if seven men from Antarctica felt this way, or half the world felt this way... it's the fact that these FEELINGS do EXIST and that the United States government won't release evidence that shows otherwise. They just backed down to releasing the 84 videos to JudicialWatch, that they announced they were going to do, and any other real evidence that has come about, has been either scientifically proven false, or factually proven false, in some aspect.

So to sit here and argue about polls, and this goes for both sides of the "theories", is really irrelevent in my eyes. It's pointless bickering that is NOT getting down to the truth behind what happened. What we need most now more than ever is the truth behind what happened, some truth behind what we've all studied, and some closure to an event that has impacted our lives more than any of us can imagine.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by kriegott
The majority of people already realize that 9.11 was an inside job. I can't understand how a small minority still hold to the fiction. Don't they realize that their leaders won't help them in times of trouble?

"When terrorism strikes you're on your own" George W Pussy * opps I mean Bush.

[edit on 7-11-2006 by kriegott]

I highly doubt that I am in a minority thinkink you are off of your rocker. There was no inside job. There was no US conspiracy.

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