posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 04:35 PM
Gravity waves can make travel faster than light possible?
The theory is there. Implementation waits the perception of our current technologies in higher dimension. Accelerating masses generate gravitational
radiation in higher dimension.That side of the universe in completely dark for us as we cannot perceive anything beyond the three spatial dimensions
and one forward moving time dimension.
The theory of relativity predicts that masses being accelerated should emit gravitational radiation in the same way that charged particles (like
electrons) emit electromagnetic radiation when they are accelerated.
Simply put use of gravitational wave in higher dimensions easily produce thousand time faster speed than light.
The waves and radiations that we can perceive are designed to explicitly manifest themselves in 3-d spatial environments. Gravity radiation is what
runs the chilled universe , the Hyperspaces and zillion universes held by the chilled platform universe.