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Iran ready to supply anti-aircraft arms to Lebanon

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posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 04:48 AM

Iran ready to supply anti-aircraft arms to Lebanon

TEHRAN: Iran was prepared to supply anti-aircraft weaponry to the Lebanese armed forces, its ambassador to Beirut was quoted as saying by Tehran’s state-run IRNA news agency on Sunday.

“Iran is ready to supply modern anti-aircraft arms to Lebanon,” said the Iranian diplomat, Mohammad Reza Sheibani, after talks with Lebanon’s army chief, Michel Sleiman, in Beirut late on Saturday.

The United States accuses Iran of providing arms and financial support to its Hezbollah allies, charges that Tehran vehemently denies. Hezbollah fought a month-long war against Israel earlier this year that was marked by deadly Israeli air strikes against Lebanese targets, while the Lebanon Army largely stood on the sidelines.


Great news. Israel repeatedly violates Lebanese sovereignty and the UN cease-fire resolution. I'd say down with those Israeli fighter jets.

[edit on 6-11-2006 by Mdv2]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 05:16 AM
Its about time too.

I used to support israel in its fight against its arab nieghbours, as i saw it as a fight for survival.

Now, after what, 12 years of bombing the crap out of any one it sees fit to fight for any reason at all, and for turning parts of the land into virtual prisons, its time Israel is put back behind its borders, and told in no uncertain terms that if you over fly and strike inside a soverign nation, you will get your ass handed to you in a hat.

As an emergency health care worker, I read today about the murdered red cross workers who were blown to bits by Israeli fire...
Guess its time these bullies were told that defence is fine, aggression is not !

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 10:03 AM
I agree too. I'm all for Israel building walls, having a secret service and a functional military ect. It’s when they cross over into other countries borders when the s*** hits the fan.
What they did in Lebanon was morally disgusting and completely counter productive to their own interests, as well as our own (since we supported them).
So hopefully Lebanon having a bit more of defence will cause Israel to think twice in future; and in this way serve them (and everybody’s interests) by keeping them out. Normally you might worry about more Israelis getting killed; but this time I just think “will serve whichever wretched politician of theirs right for sending there"

The only thing that upsets me is that Iran supplied these weapons. Couldn’t England have found a way of getting there first? (I mean we’re missing out).
But then I remember there’s no way we would ever support the state of Lebanon because our prime minister loves Israel more than his wife. Which raises the question: Where was France in all this? Or is the Iranian stuff better value? If so lets hope we won't be going to war with them any time soon.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 10:33 AM

Israeli warplanes are flying over Lebanon -- to the annoyance of France and the European Union. It says the overflights are intended to pressure the international community to take action to stop arms smuggling to terrorists, and to release two abducted Israeli soldiers.

The Jerusalem Post reports that an internal Israel Defense Forces (IDF) document says "the Army must continue overflights to secure international pressure."

Last Tuesday, Israeli F-16s buzzed Hezbollah strongholds in south Beirut but the IDF refused to confirm or deny it conducted mock air raids on the terrorist positions.

Lebanese witnesses, many of whom watched the airshow from their apartment balconies, said the fighter-bombers executed six separate mock attacks. The maneuvers came just hours after a United Nations envoy admitted what virtually everyone in the Middle-East already knows -- that arms are being smuggled into the country from Syria.

The Lebanese Army issued a statement saying its anti-aircraft batteries fired at the planes, evidently without effect.


Those overflights will soon stop - depending on how fast Iran supplies those anti-air missiles to Lebanon.

Liberal, you answered your own question. No western nation would ever supply Lebanon with those weapons if it would harm Israel interests. Apart from that, I don't believe Lebanon has the financial funds to purchase those missiles from Western countries.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 11:03 AM
Wow Iran wants to supply weapons to Lebanon.

How novel......Ever heard of a militia called hezbollah. If Iran did not supply weapons to hezbollah to attack Israel. Then Israel would not violate Lebanon's land and air.

Why did not Iran supply weapons to Lebanon when Syria was OCCUPYING parts of Lebanon for over thrity years? Because they are not Jewish that is why.

Syria is ok to hang out in Lebanon for so long because they pray to mecca.

But if the Iranian supplied illegal militia of hezbollah wants to shoot rockets into Israel. Well Israel has no right to fight back and defend itself.

Yep, that sure sounds logical to me.

So Iran is supplying weapons to stabilize an area that it dis-stabilzed. That makes perfect sense.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 11:29 AM

How novel......Ever heard of a militia called hezbollah. If Iran did not supply weapons to hezbollah to attack Israel. Then Israel would not violate Lebanon's land and air.

Completly false. Even before the war, Israël violated daily the Lebanese air space. It's just that now you hear of it.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by sbob
Wow Iran wants to supply weapons to Lebanon.

How novel......

Agree with you

Originally posted by sbob
Ever heard of a militia called hezbollah. If Iran did not supply weapons to hezbollah to attack Israel. Then Israel would not violate Lebanon's land and air.

Does it state Hezbollah? No, it doesn't. Iran talked to Lebanese officials, not to Hezbollah officials my friend. Those arms won't go to Hezbollah, they'll go the Lebanese army.

Originally posted by sbob
Why did not Iran supply weapons to Lebanon when Syria was OCCUPYING parts of Lebanon for over thrity years?

May I ask you why Israel financially backed Iran up in the 80s when it was at war with Iraq?

Originally posted by sbob
But if the Iranian supplied illegal militia of hezbollah wants to shoot rockets into Israel. Well Israel has no right to fight back and defend itself.

Right of right of self-defense huh? Sorry I heard that too often.

No one with a common sense of knowledge does believe that anymore.

Killing thousands of Palestinians, destroying their homes, and gradually taking over their territories is also in the name of self-defense?
Killing Palestinian children on way to school by using road bombs is also in the name self-defense?
Deliberately attacking UN units is also in the name of self-defense
Annexing Syrian and Lebanese soil is also in the name of self-defense?
The attack on the USS liberty is also in the name of self-defense?
Stealing Palestinian tax money is also in the name of self-defense
Violating international laws and regulations is also in the name of self-defense?
Attacking a sovereign nation is also in the name of right of self-defense?
Deliberately using phosphorus arms on crowded Lebanese neighborhoods is also in the name of right of self-defense?
Killing and traumatizing thousands of Lebanese civilians in response to the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers is also in the name of self-defense?
Firing warning shots on German allies is also in the name of self-defense?
Using Palestinians as living shields is also in the name of self-defense?
Appointing a minister who publically calls for the execution of his fellow Arab ministers is also in the name of self-defense?
Should I continue?

You must be really ignorant to support those crimes against humanity.

I'd suggest to watch the following videos before responding, hopefully it helps to educate yourself on the situation. Even more ignorant is the fact that our leaders who have the power and ability to intervene refrain from doing so.

Originally posted by sbob
Yep, that sure sounds logical to me.

Israeli forces violating cease-fire? Sorry, but I beg to differ, it doesn't sound logical to me at all.

Show with Amy Goodman
Peace Propaganda and the Promised Land

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:52 PM
More great news.

France and Italy are probably going to sell anti-aircraft missiles to Lebanon as well!

Commanders of the French contingent of the United Nations force in Lebanon have warned that they might have to open fire if Israel Air Force warplanes continue their overflights in Lebanon, while the joint Franco-Italian contingent is rushing the sale of an advanced anti-aircraft missile called the Aster 15 to Lebanon. The Aster 15 is manufactured by France’s Aerospatiale and Thompson-CSF; its guidance system by the Alenia/Finmeccanica of Italy.

As a joint Franco-Italian product, the sale also needed – and obtained – approval from French president Jacques Chirac and Italian prime minister Romano Prodi.

Increasing tensions between the UNIFIL peacekeepers and Israel have contributed to the further isolation of the embattled state. Combined with the controversial appointment of the fascist Avigdor Lieberman, to be vice prime minister and Minister for Strategic Threats, things continue to look bleak.


Also great to notice how news is reported in Israel

Reports out of Rome revealed Wednesday that the pro-Arab regime of Italian Prime Minister Romana Prodi has chosen to actively support Lebanon against Israel.


What country is violating UN resolutions again?

[edit on 6-11-2006 by Mdv2]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 02:07 PM
this news just gets better and better
i hope they get these ASAP and start swatting the israeli jets down like flies as soon as they cross into their country

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 02:38 PM
This won't accomplish much since Lebanon is simply a proxy-war between Iran and the United States. Iran will give them better missiles, and then the U.S. will supply the Israelis with radar-locking anti-SAM missiles. Basically once you turn on the radar to find aircraft you're lighting a bonfire that says "shoot missile here". From what we've seen in the past Iran has success via larger number of forces, but the U.S. (Israel weaponry) dominates any other weapons they butt heads against.

Looks like military contractors get to do more testing and tweaking with their toys.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 02:39 PM
MDV2 I know the air to air missle weapons would go to the Lebanese army and not hezbollah. You are interpeting your hate into what you think I said. Please no not put words in my mouth.

I said Iran is already supplying weapons to Lebanon...IE hezbollah. And that they are now arming the Lebanese army too. So they are supporting two armies in Lebanon.

If Iran supplied all the weapons they gave hezbollah to the Lebanese army in the first place then I would not have a problem. As the Lebanonese army would have a better control of the country, and probably none of the senseless deaths would have happened.

Iran chose to supply a militia inside of a country......come on......And now they want to help the Lebanonese government, so they can protect their UN mandated militia hezbollah that should be disbanded, but won't.

You are bringing out th tired palestinian crying game. This is about lebanon geting weapons from Iran. This is the very very very very simplistic approach one would take. (as someone said of mine.)

I was just pointing out Iran has been supplying weapons to hezbollah that has been a illegal milita that is supposed to be disbanded by UN order.

And yet this is not happening. Why are you not crying for the Lebanese civilians caught between Israel and hezbollahs little fights?

Fact: If Iran did not supply hezbollah and stay out of Lebanon's business many people would be alive in Lebanon and Israel.

In the 1980's Israel invaded Lebanon, because the PLO was doing the same thing. Just another country supporting the conflict.

I'm not saying Israel is a saint either, as hezbollah and Israel are jerks in the situation.

But those arms keep on coming in from Syria to a militia that is supposed to be disbanded. Why aren't you mad that the UN mandate of them being disbanded is not taking place?

Oh, yeah becuase that would be going by the rules.

hezbollah is not going by the rules and israel in not going by the rules.

but lets see....

Israel= flying over a country.
hezbollah = illegal UN mandated militia inside of Lebanon that is not disbanding its weapons and ceasing activity like the cease fire said. And still getting weapons from Syria...How is that disbanding when you get more weapons? That sounds like re-arming to me.
Which is worse????????????????????????????????????? Which one is the greater liar????????

Iran is giving the weapons to the Lebaonese gov't to protect its baby called hezbollah. And this should tell you hezbollah will not be disbanded if the weapons are supplied.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by sbob
But those arms keep on coming in from Syria to a militia that is supposed to be disbanded. Why aren't you mad that the UN mandate of them being disbanded is not taking place?

Oh, yeah becuase that would be going by the rules.

Because this would open the door for Israel to invade Lebanon without any resistance, which they certainly would do. It's Israel oppressing Palestinians and Lebanese. Since you refrain from counter-argumenting my statements on Israel's ''right for self-defense'' I assume you agree.

Originally posted by sbob
Israel= flying over a country.
hezbollah = illegal UN mandated militia inside of Lebanon that is not disbanding its weapons and ceasing activity like the cease fire said.

One crucial difference Israel is according to its own definition and Western definition a sovereign state, while Hezbollah is categorized as terrorist organization. So what you basically mean is that US is allowed to torture people, since terrorists do the same? So according to your assertion Israel is equal to a terrorist organization?

Originally posted by sbob
And still getting weapons from Syria...How is that disbanding when you get more weapons? That sounds like re-arming to me.

Show me the evidence, reports for instance. I don't consider Israeli statements as evidence.

Originally posted by sbob
Iran is giving the weapons to the Lebaonese gov't to protect its baby called hezbollah.

Don't agree with you. Iran supplies Lebanon with anti-air arms to further isolate Israel and gain support. While I disagree with it, I understand the existing hate against Israel. You of course not, but you probably haven't even taken the effort to watch the videos I stated.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 09:48 AM
Originally posted by sbob

Why did not Iran supply weapons to Lebanon when Syria was OCCUPYING parts of Lebanon for over thrity years? Because they are not Jewish that is why.

No it’s got nothing to do with being Jewish. Maybe to do with being Israeli but that’s different (for a start being Israeli makes you a trespasser on somebody else’s land till the day you’ve paid for it).
Also can you imagine what Lebanon would look like had Israel occupied Lebanon for 30 years (especially the bombing had been at the rate of the last Lebanon War).

Finally there is another reason why Iran did nothing: Syria occupied Lebanon on the “pretence” that it was a deterrent to an Israeli invasion. Everybody thought this was just saw propaganda till (regardless of whether it was or wasn’t) Israelis recent and current actions.
Yeah now I see why Bush and the West was so glad to have Syria out. Because Israel could launch an invasion? After all it’s not like we’ve cared much about the welfare of Lebanese since; hay we were even re-supplying Israel with nasty cluster bombs just as they using them in evil ways. And we’ve done nothing about their uranium bomb:

If Iran did not supply weapons to hezbollah to attack Israel. Then Israel would not violate Lebanon's land and air.

What proof do you have? Judging by the things Israel targeted in the war on Lebanon: PowerStation’s, civilian airports, sewage plants, grain elevators ect I think the target was the Lebanon economy. Now why this is so still hasn’t been explained to me; but if look at the target lists it’s clearly reality.

Also for Israel not to attack Lebanon wouldn’t Hezbollah have to not exist? And for that to happen surely Israel would at least have needed to have never invaded Lebanese sovereignty? In fact many, many things would need to be different so you see what you say is far more hypothetical than it first seems. Hypothetical is not a reasonable position. If Israel doesn’t like Iran supplying supporting them why don’t you go and nuke them? Or anything? I don’t really care; whatever it is at least it would mean Israel would be doing something useful for the West (for once).

But if the Iranian supplied illegal militia of hezbollah wants to shoot rockets into Israel. Well Israel has no right to fight back and defend itself.

In my book it depends on when the Hezbollah missiles were fired: If the missiles are fired after Israel has decided to invade Lebanon that’s ok by me. It’s called self defence. And if two soldiers have been kidnapped I call it an act of terrorism (not an act of war). How many missiles were being fired at Israel before the Israeli invasion?

(Some years back) there were a few illegal settlements; but that’s what happens when you steal. Hezbollah certainly wasn’t attacking these settlements immediately before the war; all they had done was take a few soldiers in solidarity with the Palestinians. And Palestinians were only upset because in spite of Hamas being in a state of ceasefire; its wages weren’t being paid, because it wouldn’t diplomatically kiss Israel’s arse by recognising it. But till a few years ago Israel didn’t even recognise Palestine.

Still thanks for your comments sbob and look forward to hearing your reply.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 03:14 PM
This is for those that believe the Lebanon war was due to a Hizbollah attack.

Keep in mind Lebanon was in a state of Civil war for over 20+ years. The war involved Muslim Lebanese against Christian Lebanese, and of course Israel and Syria were also occupying Lebanon for many years as well. There was no Lebanese army to speak of. Would Christians join and army with Muslims? Would Muslims join an army with Christians? The former army was one of the reasons why the civil war started when Christian soldiers joined Israel in slaughtering the residents of Shatila and Sabra refugee camps. Were they trustworthy to defend muslims now? No of course not...any intelligent person would have apprehensions!

Hezbollah was the only organized military force in the region with the ability to fend off Israeli attacks. Israel wether you want to believe it or not was agressively crossing the border on a constant basis as recorded by UNIFIL. Israel alo routinely had fire fights with Hizbollah prior to Summer '06' as well.

II. Situation in the area of operation

2. The situation in the area of operation of UNIFIL remained generally quiet but tense through a reporting period marked by regional conflict. The most significant sources of tension were the persistent Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace and instances of Hizbollah anti-aircraft fire directed across the Blue Line towards Israeli villages. There were no violent exchanges in the Shab'a farms area after the January incident reported to the Council the week prior to the last mandate renewal. Minor ground violations of the Blue Line by Lebanese shepherds took place on a routine basis, while other ground violations were rare. UNIFIL recorded only a few violations by Lebanese vehicles and one ground violation from the Israeli side.

3. Israeli air incursions into Lebanon increased overall during the reporting period, though the numbers have declined since early July. UNIFIL recorded almost daily violations across the Blue Line in some weeks. As in the past, many Israeli overflights penetrated deep into Lebanon, often generating sonic booms over populated areas. The pattern identified in my previous reports continued, whereby some aircraft would fly out to sea and enter Lebanese airspace north of the UNIFIL area of operation, thus avoiding direct observation and verification by UNIFIL. These overflights are widely observed by civilians, United Nations personnel and other members of the international community, and reported to UNIFIL by the Lebanese authorities. Israeli air incursions continued despite frequent calls by United Nations officials and a number of concerned Member States that Israel cease these violations.

4. Hizbollah continued to respond to the air incursions with anti-aircraft fire, often immediately but at times with a considerable delay. On several occasions, UNIFIL recorded Hizbollah fire that was not preceded by Israeli overflights in its area of operation. There were two incidents where anti-aircraft rounds landed in Qiryat Shemona and one in Even Menahem, causing serious damage to civilian structures but no casualties, and several instances of debris falling on to the Israeli side of the line. On 28 April, shrapnel from anti-aircraft fire caused minor damage to a UNIFIL post. My representatives in the region and I stressed repeatedly to the Lebanese authorities that Hizbollah's anti-aircraft fire across the Blue Line constitutes a violation.

5. The breach of the ceasefire in the Shab'a farms area occurred on 21 January when Hizbollah fired 56 mortar rounds at an Israel Defense Forces position south-east of Kafr Shuba. The Israel Defense Forces retaliated with artillery and mortar fire and two aerial bombs directed at the area from which the Hizbollah fire had emanated. One Lebanese civilian was killed and at least two others injured by the Israel Defense Forces fire.

Situation in the area of operation

2. The situation in the UNIFIL area of operation during the reporting period was characterized by numerous armed encounters across the Blue Line, the majority of which were between Hezbollah and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and some of which involved unknown or Palestinian actors. Incidents tended to set off a chain of escalating exchanges, elevating tensions for periods of several days at a time. Air strikes and shooting incidents resulted in the deaths of one Israeli soldier, one Lebanese civilian and two Palestinians. Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace continued, and on at least two occasions Hezbollah directed anti-aircraft fire towards Israeli villages. While southern Lebanon maintained conditions of relative stability, as evidenced by the successful conduct of municipal elections, friction between the parties posed a threatening counterpoint.
3. The reporting period began with an Israeli air strike on two Hezbollah positions near Shaqra on 20 January in retaliation for a Hezbollah attack on

19 January, noted in my last report, that killed an Israeli soldier. On 24 February IDF fatally shot a Lebanese civilian, allegedly a drug smuggler, who had crossed into Israel near Ghajar.

4. Hostilities were renewed in the Shab'a farms area on 22 March. Early in the day, UNIFIL recorded eight Israeli air violations of the Blue Line. That evening, Hezbollah launched a heavy attack on IDF positions using rockets and mortars in the Shab'a farms and adjacent area. IDF retaliation in the vicinity of Shab'a and Kafr Shuba involved aerial bombs, mortars, artillery and small arms, with one mortar round landing close to a UNIFIL position. The following day, IDF used helicopter gunships to target armed elements preparing to fire rockets into Israel near Hula. Two members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) General Command were killed and one was wounded. Those incidents occurred in the days following the assassination in Gaza by IDF of Hamas leader Sheikh Yassin, and both Hezbollah and the PFLP General Command linked their actions to that event.

5. A cycle of disruptions and armed exchanges across the Blue Line commenced on 5 May. Israel carried out more than 20 air sorties over Lebanon, a number of which generated sonic booms. Hezbollah subsequently fired several anti-aircraft rounds from its positions near Shaqra, Hula and Alma ash Shab, with shrapnel landing near Shelomi. The Lebanese army responded also, firing anti-aircraft rounds from near Jezzin. IDF reacted with air strikes against two Hezbollah positions south-east of Tyre.

As you can see there were many incursions by Israel. There were also attacks by Hezbollah but the israeli incursions racked up into the 1000's by the middle of 2006 with only about 100 reported violations by Hizbollah.

The Israelis said the same thing about Gaza that it did about Lebanon. We Left Gaza and we left Lebanon...when in fact they never left at all. Obviously Israel has a problem understanding what the term "Leave" means. Normally it means to go and not show your face, but they believe it means something else.

If you and I have a problem and a judge orders me to vacate your property and never return, yet I come back and stand on your lawn and your porch on a daily basis, more then likely you will come out and face me down and try to throw me off the property. I think a judge would think I was a retard if I said I left when in fact there are witnesses saying they saw me on the property on a daily basis never entering the house.

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