posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 04:00 AM
I used to take Zoloft and it made me feel worse. I don't remember any kind of side effect that you're talking about, but maybe it's because mine
was for prevention of migraines and was given at a lower dose.
I've been on numerous meds much of my life due to migraines. However, I stopped taking all prescription meds almost five years ago. I haven't seen
the inside of a hospital or doctor's office since. I was furious to learn that many meds I was prescribed over the years for preventative measures,
were prescribed "off-label," meaning they weren't actually FDA approved for migraines. Take a look at some of these and tell me if you wouldn't
now be concerned for what damage has happened to your body: Prozac, Zoloft, Reglan, Vioxx, Depacote, Nuerontin . . .
I know people close to me who have taken Paxill for years and have experienced episodes of extreme irrational behavior. It has not improved their
quality of life, it's been detrimental.
I was especially shocked to learn of the fluoride/Prozac connection. One of the number one prescribed meds is poison!
I'm so glad to hear you're getting off this stuff and that so many on here have done the same. People are starting to see through Big Pharma, thank