posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 10:59 PM
Noone is "blessed" or "talented" these are abilities we all have, some of us are just more adept at useing and understanding them. I'll be the
first to admit i cannot AP or get an OoBE if my life depended on it.
But as for why they are kept secret
Think of such abilities as a dog, they are pretty neat and all, and everyone COULD have them, but not everyone should, you see, some people would
abuse them, others would train them to attack. Some of us use them as guard dogs.
But i bet your thinking... sooo that doesnt explane why i dont see people flying around zappin lazers out there eyes.
Well, believe it or not there are orders/forces/watchers
(you mentioned shadow people? well i hate to say it but thats what watches me, its quite disturbing, i can rarely see them, but i can hear them when
im in bed or outside... creepy at times)
anyway these forces keep us at bay, and if we get outta hand, something happens, i've been told death is a possiblility, i've seen possesions, and i
know for a fact that memory wipes do happen these arn't plesent at all, though im not sure if this is how things are for all ESP'ers and occultists.
this is how it is for my group
I know for a while i couldnt AP or else i'd pretty much be screwed.
(If this is wrong or differs from someone elses believes feel free to correct me)
("dogs"???.... geeze im losin it)
I think you'll really truely understand what i mean if you just sit for like 10 minutes, and imagine what would happen if everyone knew how to use
powers/ap/all that good stuff.