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Russia did 9/11...tricked us and now may win

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posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 09:10 PM
I just so happened to be at a friends house for a get together and met an Australian that was ex-elite Aussie airborne. He was on the inside of Cambodia during Pol Pot. I was talking to him about the strange anomalies of 9/11 and to my surprise totally agreed. He then told me a frightening scenario. He says it is Russia that was behind 9/11 and sent us on a horrible wild goose chase. He said some top brass understand the situation and are running simulations of Russian forces using Cuban, Honduran and illegal Mexican force, and putting Chinese boots on our soil. He went into a lot of detail and the conversation his friend had with a four star general that was making them run these scenarios.

Of course we lose all of them. They then hit us with submarine fired nukes.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 09:26 PM
I believe it.It would make more sense that our "old enemy" was never really defeated for good.That they are using Islam extremists via Iran to do their dirty work.The end of the cold war was a ruse,to make people in the west feel comfortable and at ease that their old enemy was gone.Now,that they have been allowed to regroup and refit their military.They will strike in full force-soon,and the U.S. knows that.They know they have no chance in winning and that admitting defeat is unacceptable for too many reasons to count.One of them is money,Both the Dems and the Republicans in the know are trying to make as much money off this as they can before it all goes to hell in a handbag................

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 09:30 PM
What would Russia have to gain from our increased military posture? Why not strike when we are unprepared?

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 09:49 PM
Deception and perception.Make it look like your enemy is actually attacking you.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 09:58 PM
Um....I truly doubt it.

Russia has nothing to gain from greater US prescence on their door step [they actually don't want this] as well as greater control over the world's resources.

And if your "elite Australian" friend knows this. I am sure the US government and the spy agencies know this.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 10:04 PM
General Electric, Dynacorp, Halliburton, Bechtel and some others pulled off 911..along with some banking families. Its a money maker to expand and sell the terrorism threat that will last many many years making a few very very rich.

The goal is not to get rid of terrorists, its to create them and expand it.

Russia would have nothing to gain and if it were them we would have found out long ago. We would be making their lives a living hell right now not Iraqs.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
I just so happened to be at a friends house for a get together and met an Australian that was ex-elite Aussie airborne. He was on the inside of Cambodia during Pol Pot. I was talking to him about the strange anomalies of 9/11 and to my surprise totally agreed. He then told me a frightening scenario. He says it is Russia that was behind 9/11 and sent us on a horrible wild goose chase. He said some top brass understand the situation and are running simulations of Russian forces using Cuban, Honduran and illegal Mexican force, and putting Chinese boots on our soil. He went into a lot of detail and the conversation his friend had with a four star general that was making them run these scenarios.

Of course we lose all of them. They then hit us with submarine fired nukes.

If this were the case, then 'Russia' would have to already have control of the CIA, Norad, The White House, Military Industrial Complex and the neocons. Yet we can see that the power brokers in these areas are not particularly Russian, they are the global elite. The simulations you mention could be attributed to Russia merely as a cover the same as Al Qaeda was used in 911.

The cabal behind 911 views the world as a multi-regional province under its dominion. It transcends national politics and wars, all countries under its control are pawns to be played as necessary. The end-game is neither a russian or american victory - both will be subjugated equally.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 10:16 PM
It sounds to me like old Cold War propoganda is still gripping people within our military. Russia would be hard-pressed to have such a corrupt (from the inside, ie REX84) organization as FEMA in Manhattan on September 10th without there also being domestic knowledge of what was coming.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Baphomet79
What would Russia have to gain from our increased military posture? Why not strike when we are unprepared?

Because we are prepared over there and in one of the worst defensive positions in our modern history of our continant. What navy is left to stop a fast attack assault could be smoked with there new generation of anti-ship missles. It makes sense, perfect payback for our help of them breaking theyre teeth on afghnaistan and the fall of the Soviet System, now they may be in the best position of making what we have theres.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 12:34 AM
If it was Russia they were only going along with Israel.

C'mon. 9/11 was totally for Israel. Everything happening in the world today at least from the Western view is all for Israel.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 02:25 AM
My Dad and Uncle are both ex-Australian Elite SAS troops and one of my best mates is an officer in the airforce.

I just asked all three of them if they think Russia was behind 9/11 and I got laughed at....

We're talking about two guys who have both served in Iraq (First and Second Gulf Wars) and a mate who has served in Afghanistan and have all held an officers rank. Two of them (Uncle and Friend) are still in the military.

So I would beg to differ on your original post.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 02:45 AM
To the people who blindly think that Russia had nothing to gain from a "possible" link to 911 I would like to point out that Ronald Reagan and his success in financially bankrupting the USSR through complex Ruble/Gold manipulation via agents like Leo Wanta is exactly a reason for revenge if not losing its super power status in the process.

This may come in the form of tricking the US into a never ending war it cannot possibly win and go broke itself in the process.

I personally prefer the idea that the Nazi ideology of world dominance via Fascism controlled methods is closer to the truth. Think of it like this, a country the size of Texas took on most of the world with its mass control/deception of its citizens through nationalistic fervour and lies took it to near world domination. Imagine a Country like the US (far superior to Germany now) would use similar techniques and its technology ( Germany was years in advance of any other country in 1930's ) and have all the US 3 lettered Acronym based agenecy's modelled on German SS/Gestapo/ect.. agencies and there is your smoking gun.

I will also bring up Operation Paperclip and the relocation of 1000's of Nazis into the US as more backup to my position. Not to mention Labour Camps like Gitmo, the dabling Eugenics, Secret Military bases underground and the setting up of the "Home Land Security" ( even sounds German ) so with all these indicators all that is really left is a nation moving event ( the Reighstag ) like 911 to rally the people into WAR!!!!.

[edit on 6-11-2006 by mazzroth]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 02:56 AM
It was not Russia who pointed us in the direction of Iraq, it was Chalabi who was introduced via Perle and the Mossad. There is only one other nation that is/was entrenched in our military and it isn't Russia. Russia may be profitting due to countries arming themselves in the event of some linking to terror and they may be picking up a few of our alienated former allies/customers (Venezuela and other South Am. countries) but thats about it. Someone we trust who had access to our routines and schedules who could roam around the country unfettered.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 12:24 PM
I have to agree with Dr. Fungi.....wait a minute.....that felt kinda good.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:04 PM
So Lukoil could profit from an unstable middle east? Seriosuly I doubt Russia was behind it they really had nothing to gain.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by PsychoSteve85
Seriosuly I doubt Russia was behind it they really had nothing to gain.

Nothing to gain? Read "The real war" by Richard Millhouse Nixon. The Russians have been expanding from Moscow for over 750 years, it is something that is part of what they are. The Mongolians were the last to take the Russians and they held them as slaves for 250 years. The paranoia from being inslaved or 250 years becamame part of who they are.

The advantage is not where we are going, but the fact that we are burning up national treasure to do so, and have left this country without the means to defend itself in any kind of realistic way. We will be very soon, if not already a perfect sitting duck. The only reason for any kind of hesitation is because of our Ohio class submarines.

It is only a hypothesis for an alternate to 9/11.

Someone mentioned some Aussie friends of theres. this guy didnt get the info from his Australian connections, he got them form his current American connections.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Originally posted by PsychoSteve85
Seriosuly I doubt Russia was behind it they really had nothing to gain.

Nothing to gain? Read "The real war" by Richard Millhouse Nixon. The Russians have been expanding from Moscow for over 750 years, it is something that is part of what they are. The Mongolians were the last to take the Russians and they held them as slaves for 250 years. The paranoia from being inslaved or 250 years becamame part of who they are.

The advantage is not where we are going, but the fact that we are burning up national treasure to do so, and have left this country without the means to defend itself in any kind of realistic way. We will be very soon, if not already a perfect sitting duck. The only reason for any kind of hesitation is because of our Ohio class submarines.

It is only a hypothesis for an alternate to 9/11.

Someone mentioned some Aussie friends of theres. this guy didnt get the info from his Australian connections, he got them form his current American connections.

I know... and russia is twenty eight miles from alaska!!! They could send their invasion forces from alaska all the way and the invasion forces could come in our country then they could just as easily nuke us from their cities that are near the alaskian boundries. Are you stupid? Russia could win easily at a time like this!!

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
I know... and russia is twenty eight miles from alaska!!! They could send their invasion forces from alaska all the way and the invasion forces could come in our country then they could just as easily nuke us from their cities that are near the alaskian boundries. Are you stupid? Russia could win easily at a time like this!!

LoneGunMan it sounds like your friend just got done watching Red Dawn and decided to tell you the tail.

Maverickhunter Lets say this would happen, Russia might make some in roads into alaska and some of Canada before we stalled their invasion. At the same time they would have to invade europe to keep us from invading them with our Forces in Germany. This would galvanise Germany and the rest of Europe forcing them to join the fight and the Russian forces wouldn't last very long before you wiped them out. THEN you would see America turn the war machine on.

Even if China could get boots on the ground in alaska we would easily cut their supply lines and starve them out.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 04:26 PM
Have to agree that Russia at best was well behind the scenes on this one. I'm sure that as pieman says they profited from this but frankly they do not have the insider connections to pull this off. Mind you who installed the communists in Russia? Who runs Russia today? mobsters of a certain persuasion of course.

Also, Russia was strongly against the war in Iraq or Afghanistan or any attacks against Iran which was the result of 911. Why would they do a setup for outcomes that they did not prefer or desire? The potential payoff was far too low for the hugh potential cost: eg. war with the USA.

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