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Morphing craft sighting.

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posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 12:12 PM
First please forgive me if I say anything that has already been said. I can’t wait to work my way through it all before I write anything !
My source for the morphing sighting was actually there. He is reliable. He has his moments but is a very bright guy with an engineering masters. He is in the British military system. He was in Northern Iraq before the official invasion working with some Delta, CIA and one FBI guy who has subsequently been killed in the service of his country. They had been on a long term job with the Kurds. The team were called in to oversee security at a remote airbase. Two long thin tubular, ovoid ‘aircraft’ touched down pretty much silently (perhaps gliding) to the airstrip. Their wings were very small After they had both taxied over to the far end of the base and next to a waiting tanker, the aircrew exited their craft. There were two crew for each plane. They were wearing the yellow ‘space suits’ as worn by SR-71 crews. These suits were patched with NASA patches and not USAF ones. One of the crew was female. My friend who had been in country some considerable time took a natural interest in her ! Almost to the point where it overrode his interest in the strange craft. He asked her why they had landed and her reply was that they were refueling. Curious as to why it couldn’t air refuel she replied that it wasn’t currently feasible with the type of fuel they were using. He then asked her where she had come from. A base in the mainland US !! He asked her if the craft was atomic powered as how else could it make such a run without refueling. She said that the shape of the craft allowed it to gain a certain altitude, attitude and speed and basically and created a situation where the plane powered down to idle and cruised pushing itself along with a ‘vortex’ self created. She wasn’t inclined to give much else away. She and the other aircrew went off to a small building.
When it came time for the craft to take off they taxied down the runway, turned around and took off towards my friend. He said that the propulsion system was very quiet. The craft took off together, circled the field once, CHANGED SHAPE to a dart-like shape and accelerated out of sight like something out of Star Trek. His words to me where that if he hadn’t just spoken to the crew he would have thought he had seen an alien spacecraft.
What do you all think ????

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 12:31 PM
It's a very interesting story all right.

Considering the SR-71 was already 20 years old or so when it became declassified and openly shown to the public I think it's at least possible that these are in the same vein of that.

Terrestrial technology that's about twenty or so years ahead of what the public knows.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I"m pretty sure even the F117 was first flown in 1981 or so and wasn't declassified until the early-mid nineties. So that technology was at least eleven years old or so when it was declassified.

So in my opinion as a layman it's certainly possible that these are simply craft in either early or mid testing stage.

Though I thought the FBI couldn't operate outside of American soil? Isn't international espionage strictly the CIA's bag?

Don't think your friend saw anything alien, just the next thing they'll declasify in fifteen years or so.

And when that happens, you have to wonder what they'll be testing then.

Very interesting story. Oh and as far as the morphing goes, changing from ovoid to dart shape I would think it could either be just a mechanism that sweeps the wings back and out into a delta shape or some form of "memory" metal.

Oh and welcome to the board.


posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 02:03 PM
Thanks for the welcome spiderj. Glad to be aboard. Neither i nor my friend thinks that this craft was alien. He just said that if he hadn't spoken with the aircrew he would have thought it alien because the technology is so far beyond what we normally get to hear about. As to the debate as to whether this technology is driven by alien input or technologies - i don't want to get into that here !!! I am aware fof the serpo project and montauk etc and i only claim to keep an open mind at all times. Even if it all makes for excellent reading

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 02:10 PM
Yep, that's a good way to approach it.

I certainly wont get into the validity about serpo or I think theyre bunk...woops.

Anyhoo, I will say that you are correct in being careful about giving back engineering of an alien craft the credit.

Now I am open to the possibilty, but I also feel humans are more than capable of coming up with this sort of technology on our own.

Until I see proof I will always give man the benefit of the doubt. Anybody whos taken a stroll through one of leonardo davincis sketch books is fully aware of what man is capable of and how far into the future a man with intelligence and vision can gaze.


By the way if a couple of guys in cheap grey suits pay you a visit, safe to assume you and your friend are really on to something.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:09 PM
When you said a morphing sighting I thought you were referring to the morphing UAV being developed by Lockheed an DARPA.

I dont believe that the craft your friend has described exists simply because the idea that there is some sort of ideal situation (correct altitude attitude and speed) in which a plane can fly with practically no fuel seems too far out for me to believe. If it was so then why were they landing to refuel?

Secondly why would the crew be wearing NASA patches? I'm guessing it may appear to some people that this was some sort of cover story for secret CIA or AF missions ut if this were true it would be the worst cover story ever! Why would NASA, an american goverment institution, be flying R&D aircraft over northern Iraq when diplomatic discussions were strained and politians were already talking behind closed doors of war?

Finally your friend said that the secret craft taxiied over to a waiting tanker. I assume that his description means that the fuel was being carried in this tanker and was then transferred to the waiting craft, but if that was true how was in-air refuelling unfeasible? If it could be transported safely in an air tanker then why not?

Interesting story no doubt but in my eyes too many holes to be believable.

One more thing ... Spiderj you say "Terrestrial technology that's about twenty or so years ahead of what the public knows." This is untrue (and I tihnk you mean civilian or public). Alot of civilian technology and research develops new technologies and theories at similar times to the military but so much funds are pumped into military R&D by governments that they can build prototypes etc. while scientists doing research are left writing papers for journals. Take for example the fact that the stealth technology that built the F-117A was all developed from a paper called "Method of Edge Waves in the Physical Theory of Diffraction" by the Russian scientist Pyotr Ufimtsev.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 05:41 PM
Yes thank you gfad for clearing that up, what I did mean was the "general public" as in your average fella or lass who does not work in the advanced technology sector.

Basically anybody like me who is not "in the know".

But I do think my basic statement is correct when i say that the f117 was flying at least a decade before the average person knew about it.

When it was declassified it was touted as the most advanced thing around, which we know is not true because they obviously have things in development or testing which is more advanced than the declassified f117 and not known to the public at large.


edit to add: As for the NASA patches, why wouldn't NASA have something in development? Shouldn't they be thinking about the future as well? Considering the whole space tourism thing isn't in their best interest to develop something that could compete with virgin and the others?

They've got to test it somewhere.

[edit on 11/5/2006 by Spiderj]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:52 AM
Your arguements are all as mine gfad BUT i know my friend and he is not some 'ordinary' soldier. He is a major, has an engineering masters and is also involved in R & D for the MoD. If he says he saw NASA patches and that the craft did what it did, then i have to believe him. He is far saner than i am

I should clarify though that the propulsion system does need to be operating at all times but simply that we are not talking about re-heat or full power to get around. I have heard from two sources (one a Squadron Leader in the RAF who was on 'liason' at Nellis AFB) that there is a propulsion system that is sprayed onto a special alloy surface which causes a cold chemical reaction. An expansion ratio of 5000% was quoted for the 'fuel'. This apparently provides lift. Now the Brits are trying out a patrol carrying vehicle that looks like an upside down umbrella from the old Rupert the Bear cartoons for those who remember them. The USAF are trying it on saucer type of craft and have been for a while. 'All' it requires is a complex spray system and the correct alloy and 'fuel'. This could be the fuel system seen on the 'morphing' craft in N.Iraq. Being sprayed into the tube. I could go on but i gotta go to work now. Please feel free to debunk me.
Have a good 'un.

[edit on 6-11-2006 by limey_dave]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 04:25 AM
< kicks this thread .

" mad greebo , come out ...... i know you are in there "

why the hell do people post this idiocy ?????????

why ?

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 04:50 AM
Am i misunderstanding the previous message ? Am i posting 'idiocy'? Could a moderator please explain to me if the sort of things i have posted are not wanted on this site ?
I have no wish to offend. Nor do i wish to insulted by a coward who is beyond my arms reach. Hopefully i have misunderstood ........................ I post things to what i thought is an open minded forum to provoke discussion.

[edit on 6-11-2006 by limey_dave]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by Spiderj
But I do think my basic statement is correct when i say that the f117 was flying at least a decade before the average person knew about it.

Although thats true the technology required for the F-117A was in the public domain the entire time.

Originally posted by Spiderj
As for the NASA patches, why wouldn't NASA have something in development? Shouldn't they be thinking about the future as well? Considering the whole space tourism thing isn't in their best interest to develop something that could compete with virgin and the others?

They've got to test it somewhere.

Oh come on, lets be realistic!! There is no doubt that NASA have things in development but they have no history of black projects. As far as I know NASA have never developed anything in secret. Also they DO NOT have to compete with Virgin and others, they are not a profit organisation, they are a department of the US government devoted to the nations space program and long-term civilian and military aerospace development ... NOT charging customers for space tourism. They develop the technology that allows spacecraft to be built.

And if they are developing anything it is almost exclusively tested at either Langley Research Center, Virginia, Dryden Flight Research Center, California or Ames Research Center, California, definately NOT in Iraq. NASA run two stations outside of US soil and they are in Madrid and Canberra which are part of the Deep Space Network and are used for space communication. Seriously now, give me a reason why they would choose to test a secret aircraft over a country that america were about to go to war with and was thousands of miles from home?

And really? I thought most people were over the idea of flying saucers ... or even flying upside-down umbrellas!

Originally posted by limey_dave
I have heard from two sources (one a Squadron Leader in the RAF who was on 'liason' at Nellis AFB) that there is a propulsion system that is sprayed onto a special alloy surface which causes a cold chemical reaction. An expansion ratio of 5000% was quoted for the 'fuel'.

How can an endothermic reaction (one which gets colder) create expansion of 50 times?

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 06:53 AM
Look here all.
Everything i have said i have heard from first person witnesses. If some of you wish to have closed minds then it is no skin off my nose. I just joined here to tell what i heard to some people whom i thought might be open minded and interested enough to want to hear it. To debate it and to contribute in the spirit in which the info was given Whether they believe it or not. I didn't expect to get slated and i can do without it thanks. I get the message guys: I'll shut up. I'll delete the threads in 24 hours and won't post again. But remember in a few years time that you heard it here first.
Long live free speech - as long as it doesn't conflict with dogma
Au dieu

[edit on 6-11-2006 by limey_dave]

[edit on 6-11-2006 by limey_dave]

[edit on 6-11-2006 by limey_dave]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 11:22 AM
Im all for free speech and am certainly willing to listen to your stories and debate them. The fact is I have offered realistic points in the debate which you cant refute.

I dont mean to deter you from posting future topics and you definately shoudlnt delete the thread since one or two people dont believe the events happened but you cant post on a forum and say "only people who believe the story can post"! On a public board like this you have to expect some people to have opinions which oppose you.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:07 PM
O.K. Gfad, point is taken. Whilst i didn't expect a load of people to agree with me i hadn't expected the debunking i got. (I'm new to this !!) Especially from a site that has threads about morphing black clouds and reptilian aliens !!

I can only state what i was told by a very good and reliable friend. I never said the plane was on trial or that NASA was doing R&D for the CIA or doing black ops. Maybe it was an unscheduled touchdown....? Who knows. All i can say is that there is an awful lot of info lacking on what i was told and i had hoped that someone on here might have heard something else that might add more to my knowledge or corroberate it. Certainly the propulsion system exists. I know of the RAF pilot at Nellis as well as someone who is working on the one for the UK 'military'.
FYI I used to work at CERN and came across some very interesting people and technologies that i had never before come across in my 25 year career as an engineer. So i beleive that an awful lot else must be going on behind closed doors. Even more now with the supposed terrorist threat scaremongering.
All the best

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:37 PM

Although thats true the technology required for the F-117A was in the public domain the entire time.

Yes, yes, okay yes, I get it okay Gfad?

I bow to your braniac like knowledge of not only classified aeronautic projects but absolutely everything and anything having to do with space tourism, NASA, the united states military, the united kingdoms military, congress, budget aqcuisition and the aeronautic/space industry in general.

Yet you do seem to be parcing words at this point. There is a significant difference between something being in the public domain and something that is public knowledge.

Of course you, with your dashing good looks and encyclopedic knowledge of the high tech private sector would know that the technology involved with the F117 was not in fact cutting edge, but, the poor shmo like me, you know, your basic pant poopin knucle dragger with a massively thick cranial ridge (though it does keep the sun out of my eyes) was and is not aware of what is and is not in "the public domain".

So when the government touts it as cutting edge technology, those of us not in the know and still trying to master fire will think it actually is...and that of course leads to the basic thought of if this is what we're seeing now what do they have in develpment.

here for your convenience is what i said in my first post:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I"m pretty sure even the F117 was first flown in 1981 or so and wasn't declassified until the early-mid nineties. So that technology was at least eleven years old or so when it was declassified.

I look forward to your third post in which you will find a way to both somehow correct and agree with my original above quoated statement.

Oh come on, lets be realistic!! There is no doubt that NASA have things in development but they have no history of black projects. As far as I know NASA have never developed anything in secret...they are not a profit organisation, they are a department of the US government devoted to the nations space program and long-term civilian and military aerospace development ... NOT charging customers for space tourism. They develop the technology that allows spacecraft to be built.

Um isn't the point of a black project that nobody knows about it? And to say that NASA doesn't have to compete with private industry, I have to disagree.

The american people are fickle, yes NASA is a government agency but isn't it constantly complaining about being underfunded? Nothing like looking obsolete to the american public to get that funding slashed even more.

If ten years down the road NASA can't offer to the general public what Virgin, Bigelow and others are planning on offering to the american public, they could certainly be subject to the whims of congress, who of course whore themselves out to the citizenry who will be wondering why their money is going to something that is already available to the general public.

While the apollo program had its share of mishaps and fatalities, it was quite possibly the most important endeavor ever under taken by a nation, yet one of the main reasons the program stopped was because the american people lost interest, they got bored, it seemed routine and NASA's budgets were cut and the program cancelled for cheaper programs.

Yes there were other contributing factors, but I think most of us (at least on the board) think the apollo program should have continued and grown into other exploration projects.

But, when the citizens of rome are bored the funding dries up.

If NASA looks obsolete and unable to provide for free (at least to americans) what Virgin or bigelow or hilton or the russians for that matter can offer to anyone for a "reasonable" rate, well bye bye funding.

And you can bet that the next washington cash cow will eventually be the "space tourism" lobby, which of course will be funded by the private sector...much like the oil lobbiests.

I would also like to add that I don't believe limeydave said anything other than this was a story told to him by friend.

That was all the caviet I needed to take this story with a grain of salt, but considering the ridiculous topics that we discuss on this board, I would hope that we could at least give limeydave the same benefit of doubt (or at least courtesy) that we give those who post their stories about channeling, meeting aliens or being under some form of mind control.

I dont mean to deter you from posting future topics and you definately shoudlnt delete the thread since one or two people dont believe the events happened but you cant post on a forum and say "only people who believe the story can post"! On a public board like this you have to expect some people to have opinions which oppose you.

Great piles of muffins! We actually agree on something?!

Having said that, manners are free and we can all choose to believe, debate or out right disbelieve, but we should all be polite about it.

Though I will say to limeydave, that while Gfad has disagreed with you he has been pretty polite about for others, well don't let it get to you.

Remember it is an anonymous board so just take anything stated here witha grain of salt.

I for one find your story interesting and certainly find it no less credible than anything any other member posts.

It certainly sounds more realistic than serpo or montauk.

I will give you the same warning I gave bill ryan...heaven help you if the members find out your knowingly posting false information...cuz we can turn on ya pretty quick.

THough to me it sincerely seems like your just a guy posting something you heard from a friend and there's certainly nothing wrong with that.


posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 01:58 PM
Here's a site i came across after feeling so 'oppressed' by popular opinion here that i thought i ought to look for corrobberation
Certainly makes for interesting reading - although i suppose this is all old hat to the readers of this site
So here once again i open myself up to being poo-poohed and throw myself upon your tender mercies


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