posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 08:31 AM
Having worked on the A380 Final Assy Line (FAL) at Toulouse and still having a few contacts who are still there I have heard that the company who
manufacture's the wiring harnesses for most of the A380 and its assy's has been given its marching orders!
The company, a french one I beleive, make up and make off the loom's etc, and the various contractors then fit and P-clip the looms as instructed by
the work orders they are given.
As an inspector Iwas responsible for checking and signing off a lot of the work done but a lot of it I refused to sign off or have redone as the looms
were either to long or too this was done I do not know as the A380 was all designed using state of the art computer programmes.
I have even seen loops of cables between P-clipping points so as to get rid of a excess length loom!.....also cables you could play a tune on due to
the lack of length of some of the harness's/looms.
All not good on a brand new multi-million pound airliner which, when the customers inspectors come to inspect it before accepting it and the money is
handed over, needs to be 100% perfect.
Has anybody else heard or read anything to confirm the removel of the main wiring contractor.