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Saw something strange...

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posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:10 AM
Ok, this is my first post ever on a message board so go easy on me. A few weeks ago, my girlfriend and I were out for a walk. I live in Toronto, Ohio, which is near the old State Route 7. We have walked on old Route 7 a few other times, mostly at night, without incident. However, on this particular night, we both saw something that we could not explain. We had stopped walking right in front the Ohio Edison Power Plant, which is now non-operational, to smoke a cigarette. The only light in that area is a small amount given off by the few lights in front of the gate of the power plant. Across the road is a hillside with some trees and the new State Route 7 up above. Anyway, that's when I heard some noise in the woods. It sounded like twigs and branches being stepped on. I looked over in the area in which they were coming from and saw a light colored figure walking upright on 2 legs. It's gait was that of a human, not hunched over or staggering. Basically, it was not a bear from what I could tell. It stopped for a minute and seemed to be watching us. I looked at my girlfriend asking if she could see it too. When I looked back, the friggin' thing was down walking on all fours. That's when we noticed that there was 2 more of them, which were also walking on all fours. They moved along until we couldn't see them anymore and after what seemed like forever, we made our way back to my car. Needless to say, we haven't walked on that road anymore since. I would love to hear any suggestions as to what these things could have been or if anyone else has saw anything similar. Feel free to ask about anything that I didn't clarify on enough.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:23 AM
Yes, i've heard similar tales of that certain area. Tales of the legendary creature,,,,Dorothy Mantooth. A few questions first my good man. Could you pick out any genetalia on the beasts at all (this could be important in a case study i'm performing)? Was there any emitted odor that smells similar to say,,,Blackbeard's Delight ,London Gentlemen or maybe a used diaper filled with indian food? A pungent odor can explain quite a few things.

Were you perhaps drinking or maybe partaking in the smoking of certain herbs? 60% of the time that has been the case everytime.

Has the episode caused you or your lady freind any social angst? Any sexual disfunction? After alarming occurences such as the one you explained, sysmptoms such as the ones listed can esculate quite rapidly. If so, you may want to seek professional counsel.

Anyways, if you could anwser just a few of these questions it could help lead us in a valid theory as to what you may have seen. Awaiting your answers and thinking rediculous thoughts,,,,good night San Diego.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 08:54 AM

Were you perhaps drinking or maybe partaking in the smoking of certain herbs?

Well, were you TOKENPASS420? Enquiring minds want to know.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:29 AM
How about this:

Guy walking dogs

You see guy at first but not dogs

You look again and see dogs but guy is now behind a tree or obstruction


posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 02:56 PM
Did your gf see them too? what did she think? How far away were they?

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Burgundy
Were you perhaps drinking or maybe partaking in the smoking of certain herbs? 60% of the time that has been the case everytime.

Off topic, I don't know any herbs that will make you hallucinate the way you are implying. On topic, the guy walking his dogs sounds plausible to me.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 11:35 PM
Ok, yes we were smoking pot. However, anyone here that has ever smoked pot should know that it does not make you hallucinate or anything even close to that. Let me say though, that the weed buzz made the situation alot more intense. My girlfriend was shaking like a leaf and breathing like the chick in Blair Witch. Lol. Anyway, I think the theory about the man walking the dogs is pretty good but I'm positive that this wasn't the case. The road we were on is seldom traveled, by either car or foot. I'd saw whatever we both saw was about 30 feet away and was defiently too small to be dogs. If I had to guess, I'd say the one I saw standing upright was probably around 5'10" to 6'0" tall and maybe around 200 to 240 pounds. I can't say for sure if these guesses are accurate though since it was fairly dark. I think I responded to everybody's questions but if I missed you, give me a yell.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 11:56 PM
hmm, it's possible. Its certainly plausible.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 12:13 AM
I would have to say bear. All my realatives live by bear infested woods and tell me all there bear siteing stories. One out of two of the stories the bear(s) where mistaken for people and were talken to and walked up to about 1-2m away. It is actually very diffucult to tell bear from human in the dark. The size and standing up right and switching to all fours sound like a bear. Also seeing two smaller ones could be cubs fallowing a mother. So, I would say bear.

[edit on 7-11-2006 by halfmask]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 12:25 AM
I don't know the area of Ohio, or Ohio at all despite my gf being from there. Are Bears very common there? I don't think they are, but like I said, not my area.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:10 AM
I guess there is always a chance it could have been a bear but I'm pretty sure they aren't too common around here. The only bear that I've ever heard of being in this area are black bear. The things that we saw were a lighter color. It was pretty dark but if I had to guess, I'd say they were a light brown or tan color.


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