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My View on Zombies(In accordance to the FVZA)

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posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by mazzroth
I have to post my total disgust at this thread and the fact that so many people even bother to respond to the infantile level of it. I have long suspected that the majority of people that actually respond in an encouraging way to threads like this dont have a clue to what is important and what is moronic.

Censure me as you will but I this is got to be a sign of the times as people that frequent this kind of topic and respond in a manner that encourages it deserve their infantile mind.

To post a thread that reads like "attack of the headless killer virgin astronaut" seem to draw huge responses and this goes to show the level of humanity and what it deems important.

It's a Member opinion, i will respect that, but alow me to ask you this:

Do you think this reported news also moronic or childish?, thx for your possible answer...

Zombi Plague terrorise small city:

The above Article is a April's fool joke, please don't take it seriously, thx to agent_unawares to point me about the date

[edit on 8-11-2006 by Umbra Sideralis]

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 10:50 PM
Hate to waste my first post on this... no, not really. Take a look at the date of the article you posted. That should shed some light on the matter.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by agent_unawares
Hate to waste my first post on this... no, not really. Take a look at the date of the article you posted. That should shed some light on the matter.

Exelent!! thank you very much for that!, i think i had learned to just READ all the small words in future articles
, lol
Jesus, a april one's joke...omg

[edit on 8-11-2006 by Umbra Sideralis]

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 11:44 PM
Let me add my opinion which I share with this site -

A second line because it is in the rules.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by InDirectViolation
A second line because it is in the rules.

I think you're missing the point here. It's those posts which add nothing to the debate which are the main reason 1-liners are discouraged. 2 lines of nothing and a pic of nothing is still nothing.

Either post with on-topic information, pro or con, or don't post anything at all.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Alias54
Zombies are probably real.

Odd statement, considering that no one's even seen an actual zombie.

They are caused by a virus

There is no such thing as a virus that kills people, then re-animates the dead corpse.

spread by ticks that infect humans rats and other animals.

Why are you specifically saying its ticks? What tick has been found that does this? Ticks that spread disease tend to spread bacteria, not a virus.

This virus is a mixture of three diseases including rabies.

That is not what a virus is.

The virus is spread through blood contact and or a bite.This virus increases muscle density giving zombies their strength.Once bitten the person has around 6 hours before which he goes into a coma when he awakens he is a voracious predator.

There's a big difference between being in a coma and actually being dead.

They do not need oxygen to create energy due to anaerobic respiration.

The human body cannot function on anaerobic respiration alone.

I am not saying there are alot of these creatures but they do most likely exist.

Most likely, they do not exist.

I personally havent decided whether or not I believe in their existence but the source of this info says this is hard fact.

What is the source?
Do you beleive everything that people tell you is true, just because they are telling you its true?

You cannot call them impossible maybe improbable but not impossible.

If nothing in immpossible, then, logically, even this isn't immpossible. But, realistically, what you are talking about, it just doesn't happen.

Before you dismiss this logically weigh and analyze the info.

Before we dismiss it 'logically'? So you are asking us to look at the information irrationally?

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by InDirectViolation
Let me add my opinion which I share with this site -

A second line because it is in the rules.

I also heard that much of the research on this site was conduced by Dr. Hugh G. Rection.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 05:00 PM
that guy who runs FVZA is an ass. Im from Key west and a Hurricane survivor and Feel thet the refrence to Key west and the 1935 hurricane was in poor taste

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 07:10 PM

They actually had a zombie walk, the site is blatantly fiction, looks like they have too much time on there hands. -_- sry if its off topic

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by Alias54

they exist but they are the least of your worries vampires are also real unfortunately my country has had... not a high rate but efinately not low. one of my best mates cousin works in the FVZA. you will most likely never see a vampire or zombie because of the FVZA. there are MANY people that work in the FVZA and many investigators my and my friend were followed once. im not suspicious we were followed. i KNOW we were followed. they parked a car right in front of us and looked right at us (this was in the mile of a feild btw) we walked off they got out of the car and followed us on foot for about 250-350 metres, until we got around a corner of a building and pissbolted, anyway its because of these people many countries remain safe and witness are in few of numbers, we were followed possibly because of something we know but im not going to get into that.
but i can guarantee they exist. it seems so hard to believe because of the movies you watched since you were a kid and your parents told you there are no monsters like that.
but its logically just a virus, not a "curse of the mummy" kinda thing, ANY type or virus is completely possible

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