posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 06:55 PM
Let us know how it goes, GreatTech. Very few physicians are knowledgeable about nutrition, due to lack of nutrition course options in medical school
(undue influence of pharmaceutical companies with medical school curriculum development). Plus in these HMO-driven times, doctors are rushed off
their feet with too much to do, so if you don't insist on asking about possible nutrition-related causes, it might not get brought up in the
conversation otherwise.
My favorite book on nutrition is "Eat right for your type" by Peter J. D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician. Research actually shows that health is
improved by moving closer to a diet that is better suited to your blood type. That data is why his book was on the NYTimes bestseller list for over 2
years. If you don't know your blood type, D'Adamo's website has a link for a place where you can order an at-home blood typing kit for around
$8.00. The site is:
Oh, also try brushing your tongue once per day, after finishing brushing your teeth. That is recommended by ayurevedic (sp?) authorities.
[edit on 11/4/2006 by Uphill]