posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 04:32 PM
Bush was appointer by the Florida Supreme court, who stopped the vote recount when it favored him. He was not appointer by the US supreme court.
The 2004 election was much worse, as across the nation, when in many states republican secretaries of state manipulated the electiion rules in several
states to disenfranchise voters in predominately democrat precincts. Some of the more rediculous tricks included, Disallowing voter registrations
because the registration forms were printer on slightly smaller paper than some of the others. ( the smaller registration forms seemed to be used only
be voters registering as democrats),
Improper distribution of voting equipment (small predominately republican precincts would have extra, unused machines while larger predominately
democrat precincts whoud get 2 voting machines. ) Not to mention all the problems with the touch-screen machines that always seemed to favor the
republican party.
WHat this screams for is a strict national standard set of voting regulations. Obvioulsy, leaving this up the the individual states is not working