posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 08:13 PM
Strange huh??? Without imagination we wouldn't be wearing half of the clothes we wear now. There would be no needles. And we would not be able to usa
computer, go online, create a website, play video or computer games, use electrical music instruments, watch tv, use the microwave, listen to the
radio, turn on a lamp, use a printer, play music on a stereo, use a remote control of any kind, use lasers, use any electrical appliance, or put any
food in a refridgerator, because Tesla wouldn't be able to invent A/C current, the Tesla coil, the radio and the technology which eventually became
the microwave.
The theory of realitivity wouldn't exist either.
P.S: Paranoia about HAARP would'nt exist either, because HAARP wouldn't exist.