posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 04:17 PM
Is there anyone out there?
Last week my computer became infected with some malware. Before this, I haven't even heared the term 'malware'.
Every single 'external link' that I clicked on was hijacked.
If I wanted to open the page I had to check the properties, copy the address and past it into the adress bar.
It turned off my Antivirus and Firewall.
I ended up having 27
virus/spyware on my computer.
Anyway I found some help. Someone had a similar problem and was told to manually delete a registry key in the windows startup. I did this and the
problem was solved. I did miscellaneous virus/spyware scans several times. My computer has been coming up clean. It is running smoothly since.
Here's the thing: Last night I was cleaning some folders, reorganising & deleting etc. When I came across a folder with several 'pictures'. These
pictures were both disturbing and illegal in almost every country. I deleted the folder and ran more virus/spyware scans, coming up with nothing. I
swear this folder wasn't there after I did the initial virus/spyware scans, and I believe that it might have been very recent.
Here's where I need your help.
Are there any programs that scan specifically for malware that is 'invisible' to other scan programs?
Is it possible/worth it to save all my work on CD's, and delete windows, and reinstall it. Would this get rid of any malware that still might be on
the system?
Surely If there are any other 'picture folders' this would delete those too. Right?