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My Obsevation on Kerry

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posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 02:42 PM
Let me start with the fact that i know there is already a thread on this, but to me that thread went way off course!! OK.. I am not a Kerry fan at all, I would consider myself a independent but I lean way right..matter of fact i hate Kerry, But as i watched his whole speech I totally think what he said had nothing to do with the troops!!!Stuck in Iraq obviously ment bush is stuck in Iraq. He must be just P O'ed that he had to say he was sorry and go through all this crap..I al;most feel sorry for the guy..I myself am not getting sucked into this gop/media spin bull poop.
Just my Thoughts Just my Thoughts

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 01:03 PM
Yea, apparently the Bush administration is way too stupid to realise that Kerry was calling bush stupid.... not the troops.

What he was implying was that maybe its not such a smart idea to wage pre-emptive wars based on false, ideological grounds. Especially when they have no end in sight.

Perhaps if Bush had actually gotten an education at Yale instead of having his daddy fix his grades, maybe he wouldnt have been so stupid as to get us stuck in Iraq where our soldiers are bravely fighting and dieing for god knows what, and with no end in sight!

Kerry was sticking up for our troops, not criticizing them. If he wanted to call our troops stupid, he would have said, "Only idiots join the military!" but instead he was talking specifically about iraq and the bush administrations incompitence....

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