posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 08:01 PM
According to, former CIA agent Robert David Steele said on Alex Jones'
radio show:
Google was a little hypocritical when they were refusing to honor a Department of Justice request for information because they were
heavily in bed with the Central Intelligence Agency, the office of research and development
We know that all we do on the internet can be logged, stored on a hard disk, locked away and brought up against us at any given time. We're sending
our thoughts, opinions, our habits and dislikes over thousands of miles through countless nodes. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. But what
does it mean when "Do no evil" is the mantra of all Google employees, and at the same time they're collaborating with the CIA? Remember, it's not
just our search strings they're collecting. We're talking about the implementation of semantic engines, robots, spiders, crawlers, first forms of
artificial intelligence and the massive archives of blogs on the Google servers, and the research they're doing on various algorithms, utilities and
services - and of course their economic power. Just think about it. I don't know about you, but if I had a plan for world domination on my office
wall like Google has, and if I were as serious about it like the CIA is, "mapping global thoughts for oversight of mankinds opinions for better
manipulation" would be on top of the list.
According to the article, Steele brought no evidence for his claims. He's an Ex-agent, he could be making things up or exaggarating them. We'll
never know.
Sorry if this has been posted before, I just got these news from
Spiegel Online
who sometimes are a bit lame :-)