posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 02:07 PM
I got a second opinion from one of my collegues on this matter, this post is his take on your "What I would do with world order..."...
Your first post seemed to rip-off Stargate SG-1 alot. In not so many words you described the social system they have on the world each own.
Your second post ripped-off the prequel Dune novels. You seemed to take that from Omnius.
Extermination is useless. It brands you and your government the "Bad Guys". Eventually one of your fellow "Elite" would become a contender for
the power you seem to love. Your government would collapse eventually and then Humanity would have nowhere to start, and we'd be 3000 years in the
Undereducated people are useless to enslave. You have to guile and influence the intelligent or 'informed' to do what you need before disposing or
displacing them. Kill only the people who wish to harm your government openly, barter with those below the radar and keep your black-ops teams on
The "Destroy enlightening books" idea is silly. There will always be copies and destroying them makes them coveted and 'True' to the
mis-informed. Anything the government doesn't want you to see must be right, right? Instead use the literature as the base of your political
cartoons. If someone is laughing at the 'enlightening' concepts, they wont take them seriously.
You say people can be bought or that everyone has a price. If you're in power then you control the economy. Don't let them have the wealth to
offer bribes. I'd like to quote one of the Dune books here: "Take the money and the courts, let the rabble have the rest." People can't have
prices if there isn't a market.
Looking down to stamp-size is stupid. If you lose the 'bigger picture' in any way, you yourself will be manipulated. Macromanagement is just as
important, if not more so than Micromanagement.
"this is a conspiracy fourm correct? TOO much of 'our' data is missing to prove 'us' right. "
There is plenty of data and information. You gotta look in more places more often and for less time. Take the gist of a concept or event, look
behind it, and move on.
"what you miss is that i am explaining this to you because i feel it has already happnened and will happen again. "
If this "Shadow Government" has taken control and influences us... Since when has this stopped? A true shadow government doesn't follow any rules
of law. You start any sort of threat and you dissappear or have an 'accident'. A new "Shadow Government" can't take control until the old one
is routed. This doesn't occur easily because most people don't know they're being manipulated. If by chance you find a ringleader, he'll either
be boobytrapped or die before information can be obtained. It would take a grave error on the part of the "Shadow Government" to leave a power gap
for you to fill.
"i am more so asking how you think this will be achieved and what your thoughts or insight into this claim are. "
Your methods of mainatining power, while understandable in concept, really isn't feasible. To maintain a population needed to properly use Earth's
resources in a reasonable time, you would need about a Billion uneducated people. This mandates a minimum of at least 10,000 "elite", though more
would probably be needed. Somewhere around 150,000-250,000 would be my guess. Thats a small society by itself. There's plenty of room for ambition
there, especially among the people that understand what you're doing.