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Reopen the 9/11 case??

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posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 07:54 AM
hey all ,
just was doin my own thing when i found this site and thought i would post it to get your insight on this , its got petitions and headlines along with all kinds of other things about the reopening of the sep eleven case ,

tell me what u think about it


posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 06:57 PM
Although I would LOVE to see the case re-opened, I don't think petitions have ever really worked to that degree. Nor do I believe that the government planned 9/11.

For those reasons I am not signing any petition.

[edit on 1/11/2006 by doctorfungi]

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 01:31 PM
Hi Omega:

Omega >> Hey all, just was doing my own thing when I found this site and thought I would post it to get your insight on this. It’s got petitions and headlines along with all kinds of other things about the reopening of the September Eleven case.

DrFungi >> Although I would LOVE to see the case re-opened, I don't think petitions have ever really worked to that degree. Nor do I believe that the government planned 9/11. For those reasons I am not signing any petition.

DrFungi talks just like a DoD Operative and I do not trust him any farther than I can throw everybody here. Every part of 9/11 was an inside job carried out by those manipulating our elected officials in order to bring in their New World Order. The people who did this ( WTC7 Demolition ) using explosives and this ( Pentagon Missile ) using a Tomahawk Missile ( My Missile Thread ) are going to use one again to do this ( Bomb Oakland ) in the Northeastern quadrant of Oakland (my model predicts ‘long reach’ – from Washington DC - twin cities scenario) in order to set the stage for bringing in their New World Order.

We should be doing everything to expose the identities of the true terrorists working behind the scenes through the Bush Administration and Department of Defense ASAP, before they enter the next phase of their plan. Otherwise we are ‘fools’ and deserve exactly whatever they have planed for us all. WTC 1, 2 and 7 had to be wired for detonation in the month prior to the 9/11 attacks. Someone has access to security video footage showing FEMA inspectors/workers and WTC Maintenance Personnel carting many more boxes in than they ever carried out of each of these buildings. The facial recognition software available today can match those faces to the employees of DoD Contractors and the CIA/FBI Operative counterparts on file. Accumulating the data for both databases will reveal a series of patterns allowing the next level of investigation (comparing ATM banking and travel data) to begin.

The effort we put into finding the true terrorists and bringing them to justice will reduce the probability of the “Nuclear Scenario” that my model predicts. Allowing these guys to get off the hook Scott Free with no questions asked will prime the USA for their next series of attacks.

My two cents . . .



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