posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 08:17 PM
Well, the thing with Remote Viewing is its a very tricky little bugger. A Remote Viewing session's accuracy can usually be described like this:
Imagine you're strapped into a Jet. The Jet is going Mach 2, 11 feet off the ground, and traveling down mainstreet Seattle. At the end, you are
required to describe everything you saw down to the last detail.
That's how Remote Viewing is like, so don't expect to get things right the first time you try and Remote View something. When they had the Remote
Viewing program in the government called "Stargate" they had their RVer's Remote View the same place over and over again to help the details come
It also helps if you sketch after a session. Sketching or outright painting can bring out images that you didn't conciously get, but your mind
recorded anyway.
The Stargate Program I was talking about earlier established a number of protocols for Remote Viewing and I find them quite helpful when attempting to
find something.
Assign a 5 or 6 digit number to the thing. The number is arbiturary, just remember that that number is supposed to take you to the object your looking
Concentrate on the number, and ask your subconcious what it looks like.
After that, grab at the first thing that jumps into your head. This first thing is your Subconcious's(which is the part of you that is actually
seeing the trip) answer to your question. Never lead-question your Subcon., as it is highly persuadeable.
Your subcon. will never lie to you, but it will seek to please you. If you ask it, "Is the object blue" you'll probably get a yes because your
Subcon. is seeking to please you by giving you the answer it thinks you want.
It can be very hard to try and clear your mind of static thought so you might be able to pick at the answer before it gets swept away. Relaxing music
can help, but make sure the music is soft.
That's how I do it anyway, and I get moderate accuracy. Good luck!