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Based on The Core

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posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 02:19 PM
Ok. I know this will probably sound science fiction, but after watching "The Core" and now that even the PM of the UK has admitted that Global Warming is a serious problem... And being aware that it can cause many different problems...

I just wondered... Please, read the following news:

Mistery disease kills 20 in Nepal - CNN
A mysterious disease has killed at least 20 people in two villages of west Nepal over the past 10 days, and hundreds more are sick, a health official said on Tuesday.

"People suddenly catch high fever, start shivering, faint and then die," said Ram Bahadur Chand, a senior official the district public health office in Nepalgunj, 321 km west of the capital, Kathmandu.

"We have 20 confirmed deaths so far and more than 300 people are suffering from the unknown disease," Chand told Reuters.

Did you see "The Core"? Do you remember those people who - suddenly - died?
I am sure you know that some people are more sensitive to the Earth´s gravity and cannot remain for too long in a vertical position. These people suffer from Dysautonomy (for instance, POTS). Symptoms are very similar to the ones described on the article and although being killed is something serious... I do not rule it out...
I am not kidding you and really wonder if this might be the reason.

Do you think that someway, some more sensitive people, have been affected by local geomagnetic changes? Maybe local changes on the Earth´s gravity have affected residents...

I am looking forward to your comments about this possibility.
Thank you for posting.

[edit on 31-10-2006 by Ptolomeo]

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 02:23 PM
Well if it was Earths gravity changing, wouldnt this effect alot more people then just Napal, sorry if im wrong but that doesnt seem to make the most sense, if news occurs in different regions the please disregard this comment altogether.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 03:03 PM
I thought it could just have been locally.

But no idea on how this works

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 09:54 PM
wait a sec, I thought in the movie the Core, the only people who passed was the ones who had pacemakers in them, in which the electrical magnetic waves stopped from working.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 09:57 PM
Changes in the gravity of the earth over particular regions would be detected by satellites.

I think its far more likely that their sickness if caused by a germ.

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by DJSpellBound
wait a sec, I thought in the movie the Core, the only people who passed was the ones who had pacemakers in them, in which the electrical magnetic waves stopped from working.

Yes, I know. But it made me think about it...
People with POTS (Orthostatic Intolerance and Neurocardiogenic Syncope) have these symptoms (though it can end with a syncope) and do not necessary have pacemakers.
Still a mistery...

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Changes in the gravity of the earth over particular regions would be detected by satellites.

I think its far more likely that their sickness if caused by a germ.

Do you think they would be able to detect it? And what is more important, do you think they would tell us?

I hope it is caused a germ, too. That would be a relief.

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 09:46 AM
Sounds like Dengue fever aka bonecrusher disease, rather that gravity fluctuations.

If the geopmagnetic field was changing that much in order to effect gravity and kill people, I would think Nepal would have large number of earthquakes also.

Looks quiet here:
USGS Earthquakes Asia region

Realtime gravity anomaly maps/charts are hard to come by without jumping thru red tape hoops and using compiler software in order to use GRACE or CHAMP sat data.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 04:39 PM
That´s a relief. Thank you, Regenmacher.


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