posted on Jan, 3 2007 @ 02:53 AM
Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght
he may not be the anti christ but if he stands with cain, then he is truely lost.
Only if Christ lied about coming for the 'lost' sheep of Israel - and
if he did lie then we are ALL lost.
if he did not lie (my own personal opinion, conviction, and confidence), then
we are ALL just as rescued (and loved) as Cain
Did not God put a mark on Cain's forehead to protect him???
And did not Lamech say that he was cursed 70 times more than Cain's 7-fold curse?
(for having a part in Cain's death - his own grandfather?)
And what did Christ answer to Cephas when asked what the statue of limitations on forgiveness was?
70 x 7~ !
Plenty of amnesty in that count to ensure that both Cain AND Lamech...AND the rest of us need not worry to the point of pointing fingers at one
Judge not.
Man, the guys voice was annoying in that clip, but his message is clear as a bell -Bono and U2 are in deep trouble in the next life.
No doubt - totally annoying. But I still listened to it all just so I could make a valid and supported comment in this thread.
What I find totally preposterous, though, is that a THIRD outside party's 'opinion'
(read: incomplete understanding - standing under -
not seeing over and above so as to know from experience/empathy !)
would be taken more seriously and more authoritative than what Bono HIMSELF said, when asked outright!
Mcphisto made an EXCELLENT suggestion - too bad no one ever listens to the truth unless it is wrapped up like a haloed saint with a judgment scroll in
(if you see one of THOSE then be sure and call the Sun Herald)...
I suggest you read these before you blurt such nonsense
Heres some text from the book of Bono being interviewed by Michka Assayas...
At least Bono is honest - he seems to understand at least one thing the same as I do: far better to be imperfect - even 'evil' - yet honest....than
to be a hypocritical self-delusionist who imposes said delusion upon others....
WE ALL LIE - Bono knows is a secondary effect from the human condition - most often used as some sort of survival mechanism; physical,
emotional, and/or mental. But REALIZING this is half the battle - no different than battling chemical/physical addictions!!!