posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 06:25 PM
First off I'll state how interesting this web-site is, and I figured this was a good forum to start with a first post.
I've done some reading in the different forums as a non-member and found the "Fragile Earth" area very informative so that's why I picked Ozone
Hole as a user name.
I'm very surprised by the knowledge base of the members at this site.
I have a million questions right now, but I'll spend more time looking around before I ask what's probably been asked before. With a bit of
searching I'll likely find the answers on my own.
A bit about myself for the introduction:
I currently live in Canada.
Happily married with one grown child and 3 grandchildren.
I'm no longer working and have plenty of time on my hands, so I miss that part of my life.
I read a lot on-line, mostly science, space, tech, and the environment.
I really hope I have something I can contribute to ATS.
That's my introduction, I'll see everyone around the boards.
Ozone Hole