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Blue Hole in New Jersey

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posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 01:53 AM
Hey guys,

I wasn't sure which forum to post this in, but I decided this one was the best one. I was wondering if anyone here has ever heard of the 'Blue Hole' in Winslow Township, South New Jersey? Supposedly the water is pristine blue, always cool to the touch, and possibly the home of the 'Jersey Devil'.

Anyhoo, just curious if anyone here has ever been to it or has anything to share on it?

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 07:34 AM
Ok heres some links:

Apparently it was made by a meteorite impact and people say it is bottomless. Supposedly either the devil reaches up and takes people from it or the Jersey devil drinks from it.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 11:31 AM
I had not heard of this one before. It's interesting, these legends of bottomless holes. I think the most famous one (that I have heard of) is Mel's hole. I guess they all have their myths that are associated with them...

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 11:42 AM
this is an interesting topic, and this is of particular interest:

The water in the Hole was always ice cold no matter the season, but there were small patches where hot water bubbled up to the surface.

This just can't be true, not my disbelief of it but the fact that it would bend the laws of physics to be hot and cold at the same time (i know its theoretically possibe for an ice cube to form in hot water, but has anyone ever seen that happen?). Anyway this is very interesting.

Legend says the Blue Hole is the home of the devil and a passageway directly to hell. At night you could hear his hoof beats through the pines as he raced to his hideaway. If someone dared swim to the middle of the Blue Hole, the devil would reach up and grasp their leg and drag them to their death. The Blue Hole was also known by another name, the Bottomless Pit of Beelzebub.

A very interesting story, obviously if it is very deep I suppose there could be hot spring activity, but this is in New Jersey, and I don't know of any ancient Volcanic activity there.

Here is a picture:

If we knew what compound gives it that colour, perhaps a better explanation could come forth?

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by AndyM3
Hey guys,

I wasn't sure which forum to post this in, but I decided this one was the best one. I was wondering if anyone here has ever heard of the 'Blue Hole' in Winslow Township, South New Jersey? Supposedly the water is pristine blue,

Well right there, the story debunks itself. Clear pristine water in New Jersey?
No one knew who, or what, had created that perfectly round, purportedly bottom-less pool

It would be facile to demonstrate that no one has been able to sound the bottom of this pool. I seriously doubt that it is 'bottomless' or anything like it.

Here's another page about it, with some details on getting to it, though the people that tried ended up failing because a bridge was out.
Blue Hole
This page details a trip in the area and has photos of some of the places leading to it (linked via a flckr page)
Blue Hole

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 05:56 AM
If the water is bright blue, doesnt that usually indicate that its pretty shallow?

Besides, I cant believe no one has simply measured the depth. If we can do it at sea since we learned how to sail, I'm pretty sure we could handle this little pit.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 06:38 AM
Well it's not bottomless ,and it is clear and not blue, and i have swam there plenty of times, and it was a sand minning operation years ago .There are plenty of sand washes in southern nj , They are very deep and spring fed.Any other questioms???/

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 06:52 AM
That picture is not blue hole ,blue hole is200yards across and 200 wide and 120 feet deep, and it is warm in spots and very cold in other's and plenty of people have died because of the temp indifference . Lots of big BASS though.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 07:23 AM

I had not heard of this one before. It's interesting, these legends of bottomless holes. I think the most famous one (that I have heard of) is Mel's hole. I guess they all have their myths that are associated with them...

I personally have heard Mel talk about this hole and I seriously don't think he is lying about it, anyone interested in the hollow earth theory should research it further.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 06:05 PM
to answer your question yes there is a place. ive been there twice so far and its not that cool. its just a big lake near a shooting range and theres an oil tanker train next to it. its really clear blue water and it drops off really quick. summertime im gona swim in it and drop some weights in to see how deep it is. its off of the black horse pike near a liqour store.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 06:44 PM
That picture is of the ''blue hole' in the weird nj books..It is located in winslow township,actualy in a state wma..Wild life managment area..I go there often,beins its only about 5 minutes from my home..It is near a creek that runs through the area..there appears to be a bridge that has since fallen appart,wich crossed the creek near the ''blue hole''..South jersey is rittled with old cranberry bogs,and old ghost towns of said cranberry workers...My best geuss is that the spooky ''blue hole'' is an old well or sistern that is fed under ground by the creek..The ground is very sandy wich is a natural filter..There is a bottom to it,roughly 20 foot deep,as in typical nj flavor there was an old plastic igloo cooler laying at the bottom of it..If anyone wants directions to it,private message me,and i will gladly give you directions to find is very easy to find..

the poster above me is refering to another blue hole, slang term for a filled in sand quarry that is infact between a private shooting range and a golf course..It does drop off very quickly and is very nice to swim in..but a very different place as above..I ride there often on my atv's

[edit on 27-1-2009 by Redpillblues]

[edit on 27-1-2009 by Redpillblues]

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 06:48 PM
The perfectly round hole looks to be about as square as you can get in the photo.

Ok so there is a photo of the surface of a square "perfectly round hole", and we are supposed to believe it when we are told it is bottomless.

OK, sure. It's an awesome puddle. The most astounding puddle I have ever seen. Magnificent. There can be no doubt, it was either formed by the finger of god poking the earth, a meteor strike, or a backhoe.


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