Do you think that Man will ever be able to work out how to create a new big bang, and if so will someone actually do it and create a new universe
inside this one?
In fact, I've just had a thought... could our universe be inside another one?
If we created a tiny universe inside this one, then could we explore it?
My thoughts too on the big bang whether we might be inside of yet a bigger universe, has made me wonder before. There's alot of ways to view it,
some think the big bang is flawed and that the universe is a steady state model. I honestly shouldn't tell you what to believe. I don't think
there is such thing as a tiny universe meaning if a universe were inside this one then from the outside it would take the form of a sphere. We don't
know what shape it is, I just think it's something that has always been.
I don't know, but really who cares? Why the heck would we need to create another big bang? There's really no point in us ever doing this, like
seriously what good would it do? It will destroy us if anything. Ok I know you're not suggesting we should so I'm just saying.