Yes - that's the accepted understanding, Marq - I had the same, for myself - I have read these things and knew about them for some time
( I live
in NM so that is interesting to me ) and while I remembered the basic outline I really didn't think about it much.
They don't have very many prophecies - and I like that pretty much every where you find one of them told; it is consistently the same - even if they
are/were wrong about the interpretations
(which I truly don't think they are - except for the last one - they are dead on for the others and it's
the best example that we have these days of true prophesy, IMO) at least they are UNITED even in their error - and the attitude is one of an open
mind, too.
It is human nature to try to put closure to such things; with only one to go it is even harder to resist.
But I just happened to read the thread about the green comet, clicked on the link to check out the pictures - and as soon as I saw the comet - I
barely registered in my mine that it was more blue than green (currently) before I found myself saying out loud 'That's the blue star kachina!'
And I know that's why I must trust that reaction - it wasn't mine, if you know what I mean! I didn't have any reason to think they weren't right
about the skylab - but now I read it and it just doesn't fit.
That's how we can tell - the word 'fulfill' is to 'fill fully.' And that means it fits snugly and perfect just like a piece of a jigsaw
The other problem
(I see in hindsight now) with the skylab thing is this: all the rest of the predictions have been fulfilled - and
sequentially and without exception. And then the 9th comes - the last one - and then nothing else that fits or satisfies the rest of the
expectations? That is like a TEASE, if you get my drift. And God doesn't tease - and I AM not one to say those are not viable prophecies just the
same as what was given to the prophets long ago in the Middle East - they all have the same theme; and I know the Great Spirit is the same God we all
have - so I expect to see perfection just like I've already seen.
So that is also why I feel sure that was the star - the comet...because God never leaves anything undone...and I've seen some true and literal
miracles this month - I've watched the signs according to what the bible says and totally in rejection of anything authorized by the christian
(IMO if they say it IS so then I can skip over that one and mark it down as NOT SO)...
Mainly the sky - the stars - astronomy/astrology - something that is so-called taboo and a sin...but THAT was the lie - the only thing man can't turn
into a lie or alter is that which he cannot get his hands on....
The night sky!
This month was a convergence of several religious landmark dates and new years'; as well as some other totally unprecedented 'coincidences'
(which I do not believe in - coincidences - everything happens for a reason and that's something I believe based on observations and repeated
consistent experiences) and we are actually already beginning life in the 'new heaven' and 'new earth' - and no one yet has any idea, except a
couple of people.
But it will begin to show. It can't not show - everything will be made new. And if you've invested a lot into weapons, especially guns, I'd try
to liquidate ASAP - get some cash and put it away - or gold or silver might be better - before they either become as worthless as an 8 track tape deck
or literally turn into farm implements right there in your gun cabinet.
Sounds nuts, I know. I am nuts - that's not news. But don't say I didn't warn ya, because I did.
God bless all of you (even if you don't believe in God)!
If you don't - well, then I AM blessing you! After all, a blessing is a blessing, isn't it?