posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 01:08 AM
Originally posted by Nygdan
How does this get rid of the voting problems and the issues with ballots??? It compounds them greatly. We can't even properly vote every couple of
years, how can we possibly consistently accurately vote on thousands of items all the time??? And how can this computerized system be at all free
from being manipulated??
It makes it incredibly hard to manipulate the outcomes of legislation going through Congress, simply because the People can watch their vote being
applied to the legislation in question, and actually watch it update with their number where it should be.
The only reason that we seem unable to vote very well is because the system is as screwed up as it is. At least under a Direct Democracy, the People
would have the ultimate say, unlike now where the People's opinions are shunned just because the elites don't care. And the best way to vote would
be a live vote. Everyone could see their vote go through, and watch it be applied to the scoreboard. This would give them more of a reason to be
involved in the system, as well as getting others involved. This way, the People can make the difference, not the Elites.
And lastly, no computer system can be 100% free from manipulation, but the same can be said for
any system, whether it be written or
computerized. At least with my and yeah right's proposal, we show another possible solution to this issue that would resolve the immediate problems
that we're facing. No, it won't solve everything, and yes there will be problems with it over time, but that's why they call it evolution. It's a
process of growth for ALL of us.