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Why did the government start the 9-11 conspiracy?

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posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 11:31 AM
Based upon what you know, why did our government destroy are own World Trade Center to get the world's legal excuse to basically take over other countries?

Wouldn't that lead to the other countries to punish this country for those conspiracy crimes against the world if they find out as millions of us have already done so?

[edit on 27-10-2006 by realanswers]

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 11:42 AM
This has been beaten to death. There's many reasons why the World Trade Center was attacked. The government did not intentionally start a conspiracy. They had to figure there would be conspiracy theories, but I'm sure they didn't intentionally leave behind so many clues. I don't really get the point of your post. I believe the government did it I'm sure just as much as you do, but, I don't see the reasoning behind posting this thread.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by DickBinBush I don't really get the point of your post. I believe the government did it I'm sure just as much as you do, but, I don't see the reasoning behind posting this thread.

I have created this thread to get to the bottom of THE MOST IMPORTANT question regarding the 9-11 conspiracy which is about WHY the government did it. Yes, I have also seen information after information about this 9-11 topic, but even when searching hard, it is unclear as to WHY this all happened and WHY we still are living with the reprocutions of this event by the government keeping our troops over there.

I welcome your contribution to this thread "DickBinBush", but you have not answered the "WHY" question that this thread was founded upon.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 08:49 PM
Three reasons

1) Oil
2) Israel
3) New World Order

The Unocal oil pipeline deal fell through because there wasn't a "stable government" in place in Afghanistan. This is of course, the Taliban. This pipeline had significant U.S. interest. The U.S. government started developing invasion plans for Afghanistan well before 9/11. The invasion's objective would be to overthrow the government so that they could set up this oil pipeline. But, the American people would never stand for the invasion of a dirt poor country without some kind of jusification, especially after all the out-rage and controvery surrounding the elections a year earlier. So, they need justification. Here's an idea, we orchestrate terrorist attacks and blame it on a terrorist group that just so happens to be based in Afghanistan, we go there, fight some "terrorists", and set up our oil pipeline.

Isreal's security. Set up a "new middle east" to allow Isreal to emerge as the regional super power. This gives us somebody to do our dirty work for us. Attack people without us actually doing it. We achieve our goals over there without going through the BS that comes with it.

This set into motion the New World Order. This puts us in the middle east. We create an "axis of evil". We hold speeches saying "you're either with us, or your with the terrorists". Basically, if you're with us, we have control over you already, if you're with the terrorists, you're a target in the GLOBAL War on Terror. This creates justification for war in other countries because we can simply say "they support terrorism". We take out that country, then that's one less country we have standing in our way for world domination.

9/11 supported alot of U.S. goals. It will never end. It won't get better. It will only get worse. Our leaders are greedy. They're cruel. They will stop at nothing. Everybody is expendable. 9/11 was, without a doubt, the start of World War III.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 09:10 PM
God only knows how I feel about 9/11. Members of FDNY and other depts. are still slowly dying from the after effects. I fear 9/11 will go the way of the Kennedy assisnations, just another conspiracy, just more LoneGunMen involved is all.

The winners always write history dont they...

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 11:52 PM

Would you care to explain to me why the US attacked itself, killed 3000 citizens and damaged their economy all over an oil pipeline that was never built.

The project was dropped and the pipeline never built.

Would you also care to explain why Israel, being the only country in their region of the ME to have nuclear weapons, needed 3,000 US citizens to die?

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by doctorfungi

Would you care to explain to me why the US attacked itself, killed 3000 citizens and damaged their economy all over an oil pipeline that was never built.

The project was dropped and the pipeline never built.

Care to back that up with proof? As far as we know, it could be being built right now. You do know how long it would take to build this pipeline right? Are you privy to the specs and timeline of this? If so, care to indulge us?

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 01:31 AM
The best lies are the simplest.9/11 involved to many people to ever have been done intentionally by a govt .Look at JFK one guy killed another.9/11 was simply an action carried out by a very small group of very clever extremists.Bin knows exactly the result of an action of this scale.He knew that if he succeeded the response America would use and what the response from the Muslim nations would be.Too say Bush did this or the govt behind him is ridiculous they have to much to loose but bin has and will gain lots.Especially when American people cannot support there govt.
If Bush wanted to start the war he only had to find evidance of WMD whether true or not.The very fact that no WMD were ever found proves this.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by doctorfungi

Would you care to explain to me why the US attacked itself, killed 3000 citizens and damaged their economy all over an oil pipeline that was never built.

The project was dropped and the pipeline never built.

Care to back that up with proof? As far as we know, it could be being built right now. You do know how long it would take to build this pipeline right? Are you privy to the specs and timeline of this? If so, care to indulge us?

I think it makes a lot more sense for you to prove that it WAS built, or prove that the project is active and ongoing.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by DickBinBush

Isreal's security. Set up a "new middle east" to allow Isreal to emerge as the regional super power. This gives us somebody to do our dirty work for us. Attack people without us actually doing it. We achieve our goals over there without going through the BS that comes with it.

Israel was already the region's power nation, and by removing Saddam we actually gave Iran more influence and power in the Middle East. Iran being stronger does not benefit Israel in the least.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by Cruz1987
I think it makes a lot more sense for you to prove that it WAS built, or prove that the project is active and ongoing.

It would make most sense of all to just admit you don't know, and not make definite assertions to begin with (last part directed to Dr. Fungi I suppose).

[edit on 29-10-2006 by bsbray11]

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by doctorfungi

Would you care to explain to me why the US attacked itself, killed 3000 citizens and damaged their economy all over an oil pipeline that was never built.

You you mean like the US never let Pearl Harbor to happen? or maybe Gulf of Tonkin? or even WTC 93??

I guess those were all just accidents eh?

Let me guess.. Roosevelt never make it clear we were being attacked huh?

Or that the Gulf of Tonkin never happened like Johnson said.. what was that quote again???

"I was that god damn ship at the bottom of the ocean!!"

And oh ya WTC 93 Head of FBI never paid the ring leader 1 million bucks to plant the bomb there?

Have a nice day, your point has no point.

Want to prove me wrong back up everything I just said as BS... actually I DARE YOU!!!!!

And dont say goto my site cause nobody really wants to, the point in this is to prove yourself right. Not show someone how you site is..

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by doctorfungi
Would you care to explain to me why the US attacked itself, killed 3000 citizens and damaged their economy all over an oil pipeline that was never built.

If you think its just about an oil pipeline in Afghanistan then you need to do a bit more research. I suggest you read Crossing The Rubicon by Michael C. Ruppert and see how the phenonmenon of Peak Oil is the driving factor behind the War on Terror and the events that proceeded it.

The whole western civilisation is based on a capitalist decree of continuous economic growth. If oil supplies are peaking (as evidence suggests they are), then western civilisation has a serious problem (this is why the UK and US are like peas in a pod regarding foreign policy).

The neo-con cabal came to power uncontested because they presented a plan to their financial masters on how to deal with Peak Oil. This plan has failed miserably and it remains to be seen whether they will be given a second chance come November.

[edit on 29-10-2006 by uknumpty]

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 07:51 AM
i still can not see what bin laden would have won if he was behind the attack on th e WTC.

Half the world trying to get him

Muslim nations bombarded into dust

I can see what some people in the american goverment win with these attacks.

Profit on stocks from the industrial militairy complex have been going trough the roof, some of these people made billions.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by doctorfungi

Would you care to explain to me why the US attacked itself, killed 3000 citizens and damaged their economy all over an oil pipeline that was never built.

The project was dropped and the pipeline never built.

Care to back that up with proof? As far as we know, it could be being built right now. You do know how long it would take to build this pipeline right? Are you privy to the specs and timeline of this? If so, care to indulge us?

i can't find the articles/reports which address the 2 different pipelines & routes, they're available on other forums as far as i recall

but here is one link that provides a mass of info about elements leading to 9/11
including the back room dealings & power plays to dominate energy resources there in the near east, SW Asia, Caspian etc etc

"Pipelines to 9/11" :

hope this helps, the caspian pipeline is a short scroll down the page...
& there's lots of addesses to other articles/reports/news items that the
author lists (50 on this Part 1 & 56 more in Part 2, of his authored articles)

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by jaamaan
i still can not see what bin laden would have won if he was behind the attack on th e WTC.

Unit all the Muslims in the world to take up arms and fight the west

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by zuri

Originally posted by jaamaan
i still can not see what bin laden would have won if he was behind the attack on th e WTC.

Unit all the Muslims in the world to take up arms and fight the west

Really? Is that like when we slaughter a bunch of civilians over there, and it unites all Christian nations to take up arms against the Mid-East?

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