posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 01:22 PM
If you like doughnut holes with a Coke flavor, then you'll like it," he said. "It's something everyone should try once."
A popular thing out by me for a while, especially at feasts and fairs, was Fried Oreos and Fried Twinkies.
Basically, all these things are zeppolis or fried dough, wads of dough, plopped into oil vats for frying. For italian zeppoli's you often mix the
dough with riccotta. Stick an oreo in it before frying, its Fried Oreos. Apparently this guy soaks the dough in Coke, then fries it.
Fried Twinkies I
think aren't covered in dough, and the frying melts and crystalized the twinky and filling, sort of like into a custard.
Last night I went out for indian food, and had a mixed appetizer plate. MOst of what was on it was covered in dough and had been fried. Breaded and
Fried Cauliflower, potatoes, etc. This sort of thing has been going on for a long time I suspect. I think some of them were even breaded with
cornmeal, like a corndog.
Here is a pic:
I think what they are doing is then taking the coke soaked dough balls, then putting them into drinking cups, and pouring some unmixed coke-syrup onto
them (similar to the powdered sugar on zeppolis I suppose).
[edit on 27-10-2006 by Nygdan]
[edit on 27-10-2006 by Nygdan]