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Really...What if This Happened?

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posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 08:40 PM
If you have watched Jericho on channel 5 every wednesday at 8,you would've thought could this happen? In this show the U.S is nuked a dozen times,our national gaurd is fighting foriegn troops,and everyone has no idea why or who is attacking us. Please tell me what you think. This might not happen,but it could. And everyone with an IQ in the double digits would be just running around...right? This could be worth thinking of as an american,but what do people who don't live in the U.S think of this?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 08:56 PM
I watch the show and believe that this could happen to the U.S. however the show also pisses me off because none of these guys do any long term critical thinking about what their next move should be everything is reactionary on the show. Now it is probably written this way for added drama but it still pisses me off. Not to mention people in the town are still using money to trade with haha that's the first thing i would get rid of in this situation, give me something tangable like goods or gold something solid thats value won't change. Money would be worthless in this situation.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 09:01 PM
I agree Jack that money wouldn't be very useful,but wouldn't make more sense if they had a bit less drama and a bit more survivalist situations for a scenario such as this?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 09:14 PM
Your right, if I were a writer or producer on the show i would recommend a little more suspence and action, which this senario has a lot of potential to provide. They may get there however i can't quite get a read on where the show is going next.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 09:30 PM
It would be nice to see some more action,like some chinese or other troops attack the town and the people have to survive a warzone of their own. I think any american,in the service or not would be honored to stand up and fight for their country.

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