posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 08:55 PM
Nooo...Tesla's Death Ray is purely hypothetical, like his Particle Beam...however he proved it using math, all that would be needed is to apply his
discoveries like we have with the Tesla fact, I believe Zigger you are confusing his Death Ray with his Particle Beam, or are being misled
by eye witnessess of the time who actually were fancifying stories.
Tesla's Particle Beam is something I only heard of myself, but like his Tesla Coil he worked it out mathematically, but not even we today have anyway
to test it, basically it's the Death Star from star wars, capable of destroying planets.
But I have heard of a physicist currently researching possibilities with Tesla Coils and found that when he's in the Electromagnetic Feild it
generates he can manipulate items at random, without actual physical force, for instance a cup might move away from him, and other objects will
levitate temporarily and such, but I haven't heard anything else about that guy, so it is not necissarily true.
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