IMO, prisons should be 100% self-reliable.
If you dont grow it, you dont eat it.
If you dont squeeze it, you dont drink it.
The weight rooms need to go. Why would we want a violent criminal to workout every day and become a muscle loaded monster?
Prison attire should come in one color, pink.
Instead of sports, an event of leisure should involve therapy and education. Those who want to skip such activities should be locked up in their
cells and the cell tempature should be a balmy 90 degrees F.
The only available water for showering should be cold water.
Work duties could include digging a hole, refilling it, and then repeating the process. The exact same hole. Over and over. Pointless choices in
life should result in pointless punishment.
Cells should not contain any electronics or food/drink.
TV viewing options should include the weather channel, religious shows, and non-graphic nature shows. Once per week, an aide to the warden will read
national and global news for 30 minutes. The news will not include sports, any local events, or anything that might "excite" the population.
In the event of a prision riot, a mixture of sleeping gas, tear gas, and laughing gas will be released into the entire facility. If that doesnt work,
simply have the national guard fly in a apache helicopter and open fire.
All murderers should be executed in an identical manner.
Since this is a family board, I cant post how I think rapists should be dealt with.
There should be enough prisions to support 1% of the population. When the prisions fill up, you stack them and rack them. When they fill beyond that
point, you simply execute the ones that have been there the longest until you have the available space you need.
By the way, I used to live next door to a child rapist and attempted child murderer. Anyone soft on crime should be required to live with a repeat
As neighbors, my family is lucky to be alive. But we had some other neighbors whose luck was far worse then ours.
Anyway, thats my rant. Thanks for your time.