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33 Degrees of curiosity

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posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 09:49 PM
I am trying to to make a big list of items of all things "33".
If you know of some please add. I will post the general few items of the top of my head.

33 degrees of Masonry
33 Jesus was believed to have died at 33
33 possible year if Jesus's death
33 is the largest positive integer that can not be expressed as a sum of different triangular numbers.
33 The atomic number of arsenic
33 vertebrae in a normal human spine
33 The number printed on all Rolling Rock beer labels
3/3 or March 3rd 303 days remaining in the year

Water freezes at 32...

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 06:08 AM
Baghdad is located on 33 North Parallel

& these 33rd degree masonic devil worshipping scumbags
Tony 'dubyas dog' Blair
Jaques Chirac
Gerhart Schröder
(King) Umberto Agnelli
(Patriarch) Athenagoras I
Tobias Axelrod
Foster Bailey
Admiral G.W. Baird
Achille Ballori
M.H. Barroso
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Harry L. Baum
Jonathan Blanchard
John Wilkes Booth
John C. Breckinridge
George Herbert Walker Bush
Senator Byrd
Plutarco Elias Calles
James Cameron
Henry Clausen
William J. Clinton
Howell Cobb
James B. Conant
John H. Cowles
Adolphe Cremieux
Francesco Crispi
Aleister Crowley
Delmar Darrah
Morris B. de Pass
Richard DeVos (Amway)
Walt. Disney
Sen. Bob Dole
Gerard (Papus) Encausse
Gerald Rudolf Ford
(King) Frederick II
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Rev. Billy Graham
James Graham
J.J.J. Gourgas
Manly P. Hall
Mark Hatfield
Jesse Helms
Christian A. Herter
J. Edgar Hoover
Col. Edward Mandell House
Jessie James
Rev. Jesse Jackson
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Jack Kemp
Alexander Kerensky
C. Fred Kleinknecht
Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
Adriano Lemmi
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Sir Henry MacMahon
Vasili Maklakov
Domenico Margiotta
Thurgood Marshall
James G. Martin
Karl Marx
(Baron) Yves Marsaudon
Joseph Mazzini
Lord Alfred Milner
Francoir Mitterand
Henry Morgenthau
G. Bromley Oxnam
Henry Palmerston
Albert Pike
Rev. Norman Vincent Peale
Roscoe Pound
(Gen.) Colin L. Powell
Joseph Rettinger
Harman Gansvort Reynolds
Marshall S. Reynolds
Michel Reyt
Oral Roberts
Franklin D.Roosevelt
Paul Rosen
James Rothschild
Jacob Schiff
Bill Schnoebelen
James D. Shaw
Rev. Robert Schuller
Senator Simpson
Rudolph Steiner
R.W. Thompson
Leon Trotsky
Harry Truman
Pierre G. Vassal
Paul Moritz Warburg
Earl Warren
George Warvelle
H.G. Wells
William Wynn Westcott
Earl Wheeler
Leo Wheeler
John Yarker

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 07:43 AM
I always look through lists such as the above to see if I can find any actual freemasons, and to see if any new celebs have been promoted to the 33 degree since I last checked.

Imagine my surprise when I see the name Bill Schnoebelen listed as a (what was it? Oh yes) "masonic devil worshipping scumbag". And Jim Shaw just below him!!! Although to be fair Jim Shaw was a lying masonic devil worshipping scumbag.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 11:38 AM
Anyone who is even a memeber of a so called secret society should be banned from politics & power worldwide, trouble is they control everything already, so thats not going to happen ..... nice world we live in.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 12:44 PM

33 vertebrae in a
normal human spine .
Please define normal

William J. Clinton

This would be William Jefferson " blowjob bill" " but i didnt inhale" "I did not have sex
with that woman" what do you get when you cross an ugly lawyer with a sex maniac?
Clinton right?

Anyone who is even a memeber of a so called secret society should be banned from politics & power worldwide,

This would include anyone that is or was ever a member of any xian faction, CIA, DEA, NSA,USA, USN,USMC, USAF,USCG,NASA,the RESERVES of any branch, BSA,GSA,any other youth organization, any member of any nunery( translated: none in the morning ,none at noon, none at night), any priest , preacher, or other teacher of any faith, anyone professing membership or allegence to any sectarian group of organization.

In short every living, breathing organism belongs to a :secret society of one kind or another. In you admit it or not that is the way it is.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Trinityman
I always look through lists such as the above to see if I can find any actual freemasons

lol, I was just thinking the exact same thing. Out of that whole list that OldBoy gave us, only about five percent of those guys were/are actually Masons, with less than that holding the honorary 33rd Degree of the Scottish Rite.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by OldBoy
Anyone who is even a memeber of a so called secret society should be banned from politics & power worldwide


nice world we live in.

What the heck is wrong about people having private lives????
People are free. No one has the right ot tell someone 'if you hang out with those people, you can't run for office 'round here'. If a person is a criminal or attached to a criminal organization, sure, but not a social club.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 07:04 PM
Man somebody woke up angry today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that was 33 !'s)

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 07:21 PM
OK, we're using numerology here, got it. So this is a type of science?

Originally posted by masonite
I am trying to to make a big list of items of all things "33".
If you know of some please add. I will post the general few items of the top of my head.

33 degrees of Masonry
33 Jesus was believed to have died at 33
33 possible year if Jesus's death
33 is the largest positive integer that can not be expressed as a sum of different triangular numbers.
33 The atomic number of arsenic
33 vertebrae in a normal human spine
33 The number printed on all Rolling Rock beer labels
3/3 or March 3rd 303 days remaining in the year

Ok, though I debate #2 on your list.

Water freezes at 32...

Oops, 32 is NOT 33. Case closed. Unless you're saying that the 33rd degree warms up.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 10:30 AM

Oops, 32 is NOT 33. Case closed. Unless you're saying that the 33rd degree warms up.

If you accept the CE birth and add it to the 3 years cononical reference says he preached that would i believe be 33. However because of calender changes ,and differentiations in the time period in question many place the year of the birth of Jeshua
as much as 7 years earlier. His disappearance from the scene is pretty well established
at ca. 33CE. if then one accepts the adjusted birth year he would have been 40 years old or there abouts at his disappearance.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 12:12 PM
the bible states he was 33.5 (30 years old when he began his 3 year ministry) .

of course I believe his death was put his death at 29 AD

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 02:07 PM
Alexander the Great is thought to have died age 33
33.3 (repeater) is a third of 100.
CC (in some gematria methods) represents 33
33 upside-down is still 33

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