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9/11 and Independance Day

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posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:21 PM
This may seem abit wild but here goes. I was at home on 9/11 watching the news as the twin towers were struck. When each tower collapsed they exhibited all the effect being exploded from the top outwards and downwards. The image reminded me of in the film Independance day when the alien craft hovered over the Empire State Building which was hit by a powerful beam and the building exploded outwards from the top and downwards. Does anyone posses such technology such as particle beam weapons. I know theve been trying to develope such devices but do they actually exist, could they have been used to bring the towers down.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:46 PM
I don't think there'd be any way you could tell. The public would be totally clueless if this happened, have absolutely no way of proving it or disproving it without the technology becoming available to the public, or at least studies of it or something, and if they even have this stuff, you know they're not just going to randomly throw it out there for us and reveal it to the world for no good reason.

I don't think anything like that would have to be used, though.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 04:07 AM
Not even going to bother with this one.

Given your source is special effects in a movie and you can't provide any evidence to prove your point, this theory is totally baseless.


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