posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 12:44 AM
Oh...and often if you are at a physical location while outside of your body and you do see other "physical" people, for example - someone feeding a
horse in the barn - chances are, those people are really there at that moment in time, but you are there spiritually.
Which reminds me of a story of a woman and a house in her dreams.
There was a woman that kept having dreams that she was visiting one certain house. Time after time, the dream would be that she was driving down this
road and stopping at a particular house, going inside and looking around. She never noticed any people there though.
Anyway, one day, she's driving along this road and gets an errie sense of de-ja-vu. As she's driving along, she happens upon the house she has seen
many times in her dreams.
Well, she decides to go up to the house and knocks on the door. When the door opens, the woman that answers it gets this blank pale stare on her face.
When the woman explains why she was there and about the dreams she has been having, the woman of the house says "I've been here every
night this week."