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Possible Dragon?

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posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 10:57 PM
Today I was watching the discovery channel. A few hours later I was bored so I dicided to check out the channel's site. I found this picture, it doesn't give much of a discription but, it apears that the dinosaur type creature has wings. I just want to get your oppinion on this, could this explain the reason why there's these mythical creatures called dragons? Do you think it's possible that people and dinosaurs co-existed/exist alive?


P.S. I know I'm a bit illiterate, but I'll remind you I'm kind of young.

[Mod Edit: Link format - Jak]

[edit on 22/10/06 by JAK]

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 05:27 AM
Its widely accpeted that dinosaurs and birds share the same ancestry, as a result their bone structures are very similar in composition. Therefore, when you see a dinosaur skeleton they look like they have wings and in your case could be viewed as 'dragons'; in this case though its nothing more than a dinosaur.

People and dinosaurs didn't co-exist; theres no evidence for this and in fact humans only walked the earth millions of years after the dinosaurs became extinct.

As for dragons - again there is no evidence for them to have ever existed and, therefore, until there is evidence for their exitence we can only assume that they are myths borne from superstitions and ancient beliefs.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by GrimUK
Its widely accpeted that dinosaurs and birds share the same ancestry, as a result their bone structures are very similar in composition. Therefore, when you see a dinosaur skeleton they look like they have wings and in your case could be viewed as 'dragons'; in this case though its nothing more than a dinosaur.

People and dinosaurs didn't co-exist; theres no evidence for this and in fact humans only walked the earth millions of years after the dinosaurs became extinct.

As for dragons - again there is no evidence for them to have ever existed and, therefore, until there is evidence for their exitence we can only assume that they are myths borne from superstitions and ancient beliefs.

I meant that it could possibly explain the existance of the dragon myth. ._.;

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 02:13 PM
it says right under the picture its a microraptor, and theyve been extinct well before the myth of dragons

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 02:21 PM
Dinoaurs do explain the dragon "myth". As far as people and dinosaurs living at the same time, yes they did, maybe do?

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 02:40 PM
The term raptor was made famous in the movie Jurassic Park. That movie was also completely wrong in so many ways. The dinosaurs they showed in the movie weren't even Velociraptors, they were much smaller. As a line in the film says the term "raptor" means "bird of prey". This is labeled Microraptor translates into "Small Bird of Prey"

Indeed this looks like an archaeopteryx.

Click here for Wikipedia on it

Nothing special

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt
Dinoaurs do explain the dragon "myth". As far as people and dinosaurs living at the same time, yes they did, maybe do?

I think you need to re-read your history books on that, dinasaurs did not co exist with humans. Not even close.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Chelseh
I found this picture, it doesn't give much of a discription but, it apears that the dinosaur type creature has wings.

Microraptor is an actual dinosaur, the description there is short, but there are lots of descriptions of microraptor available.

, could this explain the reason why there's these mythical creatures called dragons?

Its possible that peopel found dinosaur fossils and fossils of flying reptiles (like pterosaurs, which aren't technically dinosaurs), and from that came up with the idea of dragons.
I think its more likely that there are myths about big monster reptiles because there are big monstrous reptiles out there, like pythons and crocodiles and such. Its not much of a leap of the imagination to have stories about even bigger and more fearsome ones.

Do you think it's possible that people and dinosaurs co-existed/exist alive?

All the evidence that we have shows that man and dinosaurs didn't co-exist.

If you like Microraptor, check out this website:
Its from a paleoillustrator named Luis V. Rey, he's extremely well informed and makes some wonderful reconstructions of the new discoveries and theories.
Here, for example, is a good closeup on a microraptor illustration:

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 01:12 AM
The only tenuous link to any evidence supporting the theory that man and dinosaur co-existed is the "Acambaro Mystery".

These clay sculptures were discovered by German archaeologist Waldemar Julsrud in 1945 and have been a controversial topic ever since.

A paper titled "Archeological cover-ups" by David Hatcher Childress describes the discovery of the Acambaro dinosaur figurines. 1 In 1944 an accidental discovery of an even more controversial nature was made by Waldemar Julsrud at Acambaro, Mexico. Acambaro is in the state of Guanajuato, 175 miles northwest of Mexico City. The strange archaeological site there yielded over 33,500 objects of ceramic, stone-including jade, and knives of obsidian (sharper than steel and still used today in heart surgery). Julsrud, a prominent local German merchant, also found statues ranging from less than an inch to six feet in length depicting great reptiles, some of them in ACTIVE ASSOCIATION with humans-generally eating them, but in some bizarre statuettes an erotic association was indicated. To observers, many of these creatures resembled dinosaurs. Childress further mentions that radio-carbon dating in the laboratories of the University of Pennsylvania and additional tests using thermoluminescence indicated the objects were made 6500 years ago.
Link to Article

While many of the figures are of fantastic appearance, there are some that are incredibly similar to actual beasts that once walked the earth.

12 Witnesses to Support Julsrud



CSA Link

Mystery of Acambaro

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
All the evidence that we have shows that man and dinosaurs didn't co-exist.

All the evidence you chose to consider. If you mean all the evidence then here is some more:

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:30 AM
There is a story around here (Minerva, OH) that comes from the 1970's. A few different people (including my girlfriend) saw what seemed to be a flying dragon. It was only seen a few times but the descriptions from different people match pretty good.
It was always seen flying towards this one mountain/hill. I've been up there all over that hill and all I found is an old mineshaft that was closed up years ago with dynamite.
There are also stories about similar critters seen along certain stretches of the Ohio River where there are caves that are almost inaccessable.
This doesn't mean I believe all the stories, but it does make me wonder....

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 01:46 PM
Thanks for all the replys, this does make me wonder.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Chelseh I found this picture, it doesn't give much of a discription but, it apears that the dinosaur type creature has wings.

It does. Here's a painting of a microraptor:

I just want to get your oppinion on this, could this explain the reason why there's these mythical creatures called dragons?

No. They didn't know about microraptors until the 1990's or so.

Do you think it's possible that people and dinosaurs co-existed/exist alive?

No, there's a number of hoaxes such as the Paluxy track and the Ica stones. Humans and dinos missed each other by about 60 million years or so.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Beelzebubba
The only tenuous link to any evidence supporting the theory that man and dinosaur co-existed is the "Acambaro Mystery".

Did you look at the whole gallery? It's pretty UNconvincing. They do a "mix and match" of material from around the area -- some are the "remarkable finds" by Julsrud (which like the Ica stones just kinda "showed up") and some are selected pieces from older cultures. Carefully selected pieces.

They never tell you which museum or university has those pieces (and this shouldn't come as a surprise. Museums and universities generally don't accept fakes.)

The "dinos" are basically forms from the 1940's or so. The anklyosaurus looks nothing at all like the photo of the artifact.

And this one... doesn't resemble any dinosaur at all. But it's offered up as "proof."

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Indellkoffer

Originally posted by Beelzebubba
The only tenuous link to any evidence supporting the theory that man and dinosaur co-existed is the "Acambaro Mystery".

Did you look at the whole gallery? It's pretty UNconvincing. They do a "mix and match" of material from around the area -- some are the "remarkable finds" by Julsrud (which like the Ica stones just kinda "showed up") and some are selected pieces from older cultures. Carefully selected pieces.

Yes I have looked at the entire collection, hence my saying tenuous link. I also mention that many of the pieces are of fantastic appearance.

They never tell you which museum or university has those pieces (and this shouldn't come as a surprise. Museums and universities generally don't accept fakes.)

Childress further mentions that radio-carbon dating in the laboratories of the University of Pennsylvania and additional tests using thermoluminescence indicated the objects were made 6500 years ago.
(From link supplied above)

Hoaxers from 6500 years ago?

Museums and universities are also known to ignore and denounce finds that do not fit in with their regimented beliefs. There are many examples of strange finds in the U.S. alone that science has ignored.

The "dinos" are basically forms from the 1940's or so.

I do not discount that they could be fakes, but the carbon dating would seem to refute this.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 10:02 PM
link's kind of hard for me to explain wether it is a dragon or a prehistoric bird-reptilian creature of some sort. Tellikg by how many wing bones it has and hiw it is apparently NOT having attached arms, it could be a dragon.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 03:46 AM
The fossiled feathers are very obvious in that fossil. what as far as i can see denies at once the Dragon theory

I know very dragon stories, but none about feathered dragons,,,.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 03:04 PM
thats really wierd. dinosaurs and birds are closely related so it could be a fossil of some kind of raptor in a evelutionary state. also the bible mentions dragons that lived with people. do you no wut size the actually possil was?

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by dbrandt
Dinoaurs do explain the dragon "myth". As far as people and dinosaurs living at the same time, yes they did, maybe do?

My theory on the whole dragon "myth" is: old dinosaur fossils exposed over time, and found by people who had no knowledge of the past. Assumed that they where recently dead "dragons". And gave them a mythical story to go along with their findings.

As far as dinosaurs and people living together, no chance, we'd be talking meat to them.


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