Being able to make a shelter will make a big difference in your survival.
Once you realize you need shelter, start looking for a spot as soon as possible. When you are looking for a spot to pick to make a shelter you must
make sure..
1. The material you need to make it is close by.
2. The area is large enough and level enough so you can lie in your shelter comfortably.
You must also make sure the spot is safe (Dead trees falling/rocks falling/insects/poisonous plants). You must also be safe from environmental
problems (flash floods, avalanche or rockslides, bodies of water that could rise dangerously high).
Once you find a good spot you have to figure out what kind of shelter you need. You have to consider...
1. How much time & effort it will take to build it.
2. Will the shelter protect you from wind/sun/rain/snow?
3. Do you have the tools needed to make it? If not, can you make your own tools?
4. Is food and water close by?
If you are in a wooded area and have enough natural materials, two types of shelters you can make are a
Lean - To or a
Debris Hut .
Lean To's take longer to build but will protect you from the elements.
One Way To Make A Lean - To Shelter
1. Find two trees about 2 meters apart.
2. You will need one pole about 2 meters long and 2.5 centimeters in diameter; five to eight poles for beams; cord or vines for securing the
horizontal support to the trees; and other poles, saplings, or vines to crisscross the beams.
3. Tie the 2 meter long pole (branch) to the two tress about waist high. (For the horizontal support)
4. Place one end of the beams on one side of the horizontal support. (The side the wind is coming from)
5. Crisscross saplings or vines on the beams
6. Cover the framework with brush, leaves, pine needles, or grass working from the bottom up.
7. Make bedding inside with grass/brush/leaves.
And there you go, a lean to shelter. You can also make a fire reflector wall to keep the heat from a fire inside the shelter.
The second type of shelter is a
Debris Hut . This type of shelter is very easy to make and will keep you warm.
1. Start getting a good, strong ridge pole and place it against a tree or stump.
2. Lean branches of deadwood against the pole to form a sloped roof.
3. Thatch the shelter with leaves/grass/sod or anything else you can come up with.
Make sure you pile it on thick for warmth and to keep water out.
Very easy and very simple.
There you go. Two shelters that can keep you from the elements in a survival situation. Hope I helped a little bit.