posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 09:31 PM
Having been on the "other side" of the horrid divorce syndrome as the "husband", (I totally understand the "emotional terrorist" you describe in
the podcast) I can tell you this, get the apology over with ASAP. Your intellect will not serve you well in this case, it will tell you to drag it out
because he is a stupid dolt who deserved what you dealt him.
Your inner honesty is what is wanting you to "get it over with" so that the DRAG of the "cloud" over your head is ended quickly. That whole cloud
thing is a huge factor in my life, I can't stand having ANYTHING "hanging about" needing to be done and or dealt with, I must
do it
now or I can't relax.
Oh by the way, I am a Gemini.
I have to say that I am a VERY omni-directional and yet a very focused person (ATS, I hope, is in some small way,
evidence of that) who is quite capable of dealing with all the craziness thrown at me before 8am and divining the "gold from the tin" thus not
wasting any energy on the utterly inane.
I fear that you may be trying to create an
excuse for your ex's "ignorance" in defining Geminis this way, naturally, I could be totally
wrong seeing as how I tend to cringe at "group classifications" anyway .
All in all, a
VERY GOOD and Forthright podcast. You keep doing so WELL with that GIRL! You are RIGHT in ALL aspects of the "cookie
Parenting is a beautiful thing but I think the "deal is" our generation was not prepared for these discussions IMHO.
Keep the podcasts Coming!
P.S. I have a Brother in B.C., you remind MUCH of his
wonderful wife.
[edit on 10-25-2006 by Springer]