posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 01:14 PM
Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Terry McAuliffe has issued the following statement: ``The tactics being used around the country to
intimidate voters and suppress voter turnout are nothing less than despicable.
``We have seen 'anonymous' fliers displayed in predominantly African American communities in Baltimore, MD, with an incorrect Election Day date,
warning voters to make sure their parking tickets are paid, their rent is not overdue, and they take care of any outstanding warrants before they go
``A spokesman for the Maryland Republican candidate for Governor Bob Ehrlich was quoted saying their campaign plans include deploying off-duty police
officers as poll watchers on Election Day.
``In Hidalgo County, TX a Republican poll monitor for Republican Senate candidate John Cornyn had to be escorted out of the polling place by law
enforcement for harassing senior Hispanic voters and using derogatory language.
``In New Hampshire, an owner and landlord of several so-called ``Section 8'' housing developments sent letters urging his hundreds of elderly and
disabled tenants to vote for Republican John Sununu for U.S. Senate, stating ominously that only through Sununu's efforts were the tenants
``assured'' that they could ``continue to remain in [their] home.
``Democrats will not stand idly by while Republican operatives try to strip voters of their most basic right. Too many people have fought and died for
the right to vote.
``Mr. President, do not let our election process fall prey to dirty political shenanigans once again. Tell your Republican party operatives to cease
their voter intimidation practices and let Americans exercise their right to vote free of harassment and intimidation..."