posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 11:32 AM
I am a very geeky looking person in a school of 300 at most, so I am not really that big of game. But, for once in my life, through all of the bad
homelife I have went through and through all of the condecending remarks that I have given myself, I found someone that will make me happy. The first
girl I have ever met that I don't care about a sexual relationship, but just being around her. But, everyone that I know is trying to "help me" by
writing her love poems and such. The problem is that she despises that sort of thing. I kep telling everyone that, but they say, "Oh don't worry,
she will love this." She is going to end up hating me. I can't go back to my old life, anything would be better than living that lie. What should I