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posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 03:08 PM
America is in the crapper, we have corrupt politicians, failing systems, and a whole lot more. I believe that we need a new government, our fore fathers knew that this form of government would promote some people and destory others, that's why they picked it so THEY could be in charge. We need a new government and the only way to do that is through my program.
Anarchy: Through anarchy we can kill off the corrup, the greedy and the evil
Commune: we establish a commune, everybody works and contributes and everybody shares, you don't work or contribute you don't get anything. That is why we are in a nation wide debt, because there are to many fat and lazy people that want the government to pay for everything for them.
Democracy: There are some aspects of democracy that are good, voting is okay but under my system we would have to monitor it because loobyists, and technology make it so easy to cheat the system. Free makets are good, but the quote "liberty promotes wealth, wealth destrpys liberty" sums it up. We would have to keep and eye on the free market because corruption here equals crruption in the government.
Dictatorship: I hate Michael Moore but he said it right, "Americans are some of the dumbest people........" Through a dictatorship we can rule america and see to it that people are treated fairly and with justice. Under a dictatorship we aren't free you may say. Doteschvy says, "Men can never be free because they are weak, corrup, wortheless and restless."
You aren't free now, the vandals stated it quite clear "America stands for freedom but if you think you are free, try going to a deli and urinating on the cheese."
Why do you or i deserve rights? what have we done? I see that all the time, gays on tv, "we have right." No, you don't. What have you done for america. What have any of us done for america, but but branch out in our own selfish ways for our own selfish end.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 06:48 AM
Freedom to you means being able to walk into a deli and urinate on the cheese? Hmmm...what about others freedom to be able to eat that cheese, or the deli owners freedom to be able to sell that cheese? Bad analogy.

Communes? Wonderful, have fun.

Anarchy? I think what you want, or at least are refering to is "nihilism". No rules for anyone, and might makes right.

and of course the good old standby: Dictatorship. I do notice that you said you would be in charge...and not under the thumb. Try being under the thumb before you become such an advocate.

Democracy, for all its warts is still the best hope for humanity. I would agree the elected ones do need argument there, but that's up to you. Get involved, agitate...agitate...agitate. VOTE!!! I doesn't matter which party, vote for the bloody anarchists if you want, or the workers world doesn't matter, but get involved.

[edit on 19-10-2006 by seagull]

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 06:48 AM
Ooops. Double post.

[edit on 19-10-2006 by seagull]

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 07:08 AM
Well I must say this is about the most silly thing I've ever read. Smokingman I think you should try getting out in the world and earning a living. I feel pretty free here in the US and wouldn't live anywhere else and I've lived all over the world. If you are so very unhappy here move to another country. And as far as using your analogy of urinating in cheese that's well bad.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 12:05 PM
Well, Seagull and gallopinghordes let me explain the "cheese". I don't want to pee on cheese, that's just rude, my point is that we aren't free. Free means no rules, no one to tell you what to do. The point is, is that we aren't free we have rules and regulations to follow, you see what i'm saying? Also, go out and vote? Are you freaking kidding me? When you vote for the president did you know that your vote doesn't matter. You vote for 1 i vote for 2 we just cancelled each other out. Ever heard of the electoral college? They don't even add your votes up, if there is a majority in one state that party gets the electoral votes. So you can vote all you want the system is so flawed and easily manipulated that only Benjamins decide who wins. You think america is good? Yes we have free speech and can own hundreds of guns if we want to. But there is no responsibility no shame, no remorse everyone hates GW because he wants to take the tit that is the government out of the mouths of lazy americans. Apparently both of you didn't read what i wrote, i don't care about anarchy or communes, i just want to end the corruption and make a better america where we don't depend on the government.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 12:18 PM
you know, if you are going to use Lenin's philosophy, dont you think you should at least reference him? the power's that be here on ATS get kind of hot about plaigerism.

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 12:50 PM
No actually I am not "freeking" kidding you. If you don't participate in the election process, you really don't have any grounds to complain, IMHO. For a society to function properly it needs rules of behaviour, so in that sense no we aren't "free", but in every other sense of the word, we are. Not just freedom of speech, or freedom to "own hundreds of guns", but freedom to worship as we choose, or not to worship if we choose, freedom to associate with pretty much whomever we choose, and various others that are spelled out in that little thing called the Constitution.

So my vote might cancel yours out. So? Get out and get some of your chums to vote...even one more, and hey, you got me beat. Get it? The majority rules the electoral college. If a state, by a majority votes for one candidate, than that states electoral votes go to that candidate...fair and square. Win the right amount of popular votes and usually that candidate wins. If your candidate loses, get a better one the next go 'round. I will agree that there is far too much PAC money being thrown around, on that point we do agree. All the more reason to get involved in the process, so that you can foment change. Is that so hard to understand? If you won't work to change things, change won't happen.

Our republican democracy isn't perfect, no. Corruption is widespread, and seeming without consequence to the corrupt or corruptor. Just another reason to get involved. Killing the corrupt doesn't work...the French tried it, during the Terror, and we see how well that worked. They ended up with a corrupt little man named Napolean as a dictator, and the current bunch is no more less corrupt than the monarchy of Louis and Marie Antoinette. Anarchy gains you nothing.

Capitalism is the engine that drives the economy of the world, yes there is corruption. But what human endevour is without corruption? Capitalism is the driving force for improvement in a better it...and make money. In and of itself, nothing corrupt about it...only the human factor is corrupt or not. Mostly not.

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by seagull
If you don't participate in the election process, you really don't have any grounds to complain, IMHO.

way above ts for you my friend.

thousands upon thousands of men and women have died to give everyone in this country the right to vote. if you dont exercise that right, then IMHO you dont have the right to voice your opinion.


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