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Operation paperclip....contines

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posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 02:22 PM
If you've been on this site i'm sure most of you know what operation paperclip is. After WW2 people within our government (agasint the will of truman) brought Nazi scientisits over here in exchange for their knowledge. Most famous is Werner Von Braun, he helped with missle technology and crap like that. If you go to and read about Op. paperclip you will notice that much of the information about this operation are still classified. I believe that when we brought the doctors over here some of the technology they brought pertained to human medical experiments and that is what is classified because americans would freak if they found out. I read a thread somewhere on here and someone said something like "has anyone noticed that since roswell the governments has been less trusting and more secretive?" Sonny jim, that's just the start of it. They have to keep it secret because, like i said the government would freak if people knew because the people would freak. I think that the tests are still going on. Ever heard of the tuskegee experiments? How about, and forgive me for fogetting the operation name, the test the government did on innocent people will '___'? For a college class in history i had to read the book "The cold war: a post-cold war history" by Ralph B. Levering talks about a whole lot of tests from drugs, to bacterial warfare to having slodiers lay down in pits then setting nukes of by them to see how the soldiers reacted. Yes, all this happened in the past, but after watching the 9/11 video on this site and seeing how the government brought down the towers, i like my predecessor trust no one. There was a thread on here under "Katrina" and a person talked about taking their children and stuff from a church and going to help some of the victims in i think it was colorado (don't quote me) and this family was denied on all sorts of levels and they showed pictures of military personnel and just read the thread. My point is this, if you are going to test on people what better way then in a secure mountain basically with armed guards under the guise of a government refufee program! Of course, i have no evidence to back this up but don't you think it's possible?
The smoking man

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 02:33 PM
SmokingMan, you are not alone in thinking this. I believe it, too. I believe they are doing it through mind control operations. You might want to Google, Franklin Sex Scandal, Johnny Gosch, Cisco Wheeler and there's a website named something like that has interviews with people who have been mind control slaves for the CIA, who experiments on them. There is also a book called "FRanklin Sex Scandal" by John ? you can get it at Amazoncom. It has testimony from victimized children about the sex scandal and the govt, but it also talks about mind control. And then there are 3 books by Cisco Wheeler, I haven't read them and don't know the titles but they are about mind control. I think she's highly credible, but the nut job she co-authored them with Fritz Springmeier, I think he's just plain nuts. I read an intrview with Cisco in 1997; she claimed that the year 2000 was the year that the Illuminati was going to start to take control of the world...draw your own conclusions.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 02:48 PM

I've read a lot about this group called the iluminati, but i have one question if they are so powerful why not take over the world in one quick motion. I mean part of war is speed and quickness to catch your enemy of guard and so that you can really beat on them whilst they are off guard. And if they have been doing all these test with mind control over the years, why wouldn't they do it on a massive scale like fill the atomosphere with something or put something in the water supply?

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 03:31 PM
Good question. Here's another one:
Why do they do ANYthing?

I don't know what their reasoning is, I'm not even sure they exist, though I suspect they do, maybe under other names. I do not know that they have invented something to put in the water, the only mind control procedures I'm aware of are done on a one-to-one, where the operative basically breaks down the slave and can control them. This takes awhile. That's my guess. Also, apparently they need to proceed slowly and have everything and everyone in place. If they did it all at once, people would catch on and riot, anarchy, etc. So they do the "boiled frog" effect, ya know slowly...also, I do believe that 911 may well have been a mass mind control event via propaganda. I mean, they played nothing but those 2 towers falling for days on TV, they broke down the confidence and morale of the American public, and now they're passing laws that take away our rights.
I believe Operation Paperclip was only the beginning. The propaganda that our govt has perpetuated, even before present admin, is mind control, too in a way. They're trying to make us afraid so we will go along with their program.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 06:59 AM
i don't agree that the US gov is trying to mind control the public, but i do agree that they are in signting fear. This isn't anyting new though, it happened with communsium (soviets), how the gov portaryed them as ruthless killers to insight fear, and then use thisustify increaseing there military and there for there economy, and now with the new 'threat' of terrorism i believe they are only trying to justify spending more on military projects.

and also this is kinda irrelevent to the thread, this concerns teh Iraq insurgency. If america was invaded by say China or Russia (llike how the Americas took over Iraq) would they not fight against the invaders? but i don't condone killing of any kind (unless in CS)

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 07:49 AM
You dont seem to realize is that "illuminati" ALREADY control the world trough economic means and warfare. Its just on a very high level, so they dont actually "do" anything, it is us, people, who are doing it ourselves, and its becouse of greed mostly. You know, humans dont need the shepherd, just a "good" educational system that brainwashes you while youre still young.

May i suggest reading about history of the Rothchilds as the old papa Rothchild was the brain behind the whole operation, perhaps read "behold a pale horse" by William Cooper which does an amazing job explaining the whole illuminati agenda, and with paperwork for proof included. Who else is in on it is very hard to tell as you have no one to point your finger at, but its an amazingly well thought out plan, evil beyond beleif, kinda makes me sick when i think about it. They control the flows of energy, not is worthless paper.

Oh yeah paperclip.... basically nazis just lost the war, but they never went away, they transferred all their assets trough swiss banks and with help of their merrycan buddies into some 200 companies and moved to america, from north to south....and theyre still in the game....strong....cant you tell

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 10:04 AM
Actually, BTBWired, I agree with you. I have read about the Rothschild's somewhat extensively and it does seem very likely that the Iilluminati is still around. As for your ideas about Nazism not having gone away, I agree with you there, too, I'm just hesitant to say so because some will call me absolutely crazy. But the more I'm on this forum, the more I realize that there are others who also think that. I've done alot of working/research about U.S. politics from WWII on, and it all adds up.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 12:14 PM
We brought the nazis over here, we didn't let them come we gave them the choice death of work for us. What is so bad about a one world government?

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 12:24 PM
good for you forestlady

I can only say that truth really does set you free, but god knows its hard to diggest.

And as for the crazy part, things will change, slowly

We brought the nazis over here, we didn't let them come we gave them the choice death of work for us. What is so bad about a one world government?

So you consider nazis to be the good guys?

YOU brought them here? Do you mean actually YOU? Or you as your government? Or you as merrycan elite? WHO IS YOU?

could you please rethink your sentence before posting nonsense?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:54 AM
There are laws in the universe and some laws arent allowed to be broken. But heck we are living in a crazy world

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Thesmokingman2
We brought the nazis over here, we didn't let them come we gave them the choice death of work for us. What is so bad about a one world government?
agreed anybodys advanced tech is good who cares were it came from throwing it away would be insane. nothing is bad about a one world goverment aslong as it dose away with things like CODEX Alimentarius and the like, i mean even if you have the sense to read in to things a little that kind of crap will stop you saveing yourself, thay should at least give us common folk a chance

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by alwayslove
There are laws in the universe and some laws arent allowed to be broken. But heck we are living in a crazy world

i think this conversation is over look at the dates...oh well nvm


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