posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 11:31 PM
I just got my first streetbike back in dec 07. I got an 04' YZF600R. I love it, 50-55mpg, goes 160, 1/4 mile in 11 flat. I dropped one tooth off
the front sprocket and it accelerates better now, it prolly lost some off the top speed, but who needs to go that fast anyway. Got a good deal, it was
3500$. It had 9,000 miles on it, and hadn't been wrecked.
I have ridden dirtbikes for years, and used to be a desert racer, and I even did a little motocross/arenacross.
I am hooked on streetbikes now. I have ridden 21,000 miles on my bike since december!! There is nothing better than on ramps, off ramps, and turns.
It makes it easier to wake up in the morning knowing that you get to haul ass on a crotch rocket all day. Since my job involves me running around
town all day, it is awesome.
You really have to watch people, and pay attention, or you will die.