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Wesley Snipes Indicted .. tax fraud

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posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 08:33 AM
Wesley Snipes Story - click here

Wesley Snipes has been indicted for tax fraud. 12 million dollars in tax fraud. He's facing serious jail time as well. 8 counts of tax fraud and failure to file for 6 years.

He hasn't been arrested because the authorities can't find him. He has used fake passports previously and was denied entry into South Africa due to a fake passport in the past.

Why do famous people sometimes feel they are too good to pay taxes like the rest of us peasants?

[edit on 10/18/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 02:45 PM
WOW .. I posted this hours ago and no one cares that a major movie has been indicted in what could result in a jail term of 10 years and that it looks like he's on the run with fake passports and all???

I guess Hollywood folks aren't as interesting to people here as I thought.

That's EXCELLENT news!

Seriously though .. tax evasion is the same as stealing from you and me. Those that don't pay their taxes end up costing us who do a whole lotta' money.

edited for spelling

[edit on 10/18/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I guess Hollywood folks aren't as interesting to people here as I thought.

That's EXCELLENT news!

I agree. On the other hand, letting him skate on taxes is a small price to pay to have the Daywalker out there protecting us from all the vampires.
It's not like he made anti Semitic comments or anything.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 07:14 PM
Lol, He's just a big jessie who can't admit it. For such a tough guy to act like a girly way, it's just incredible.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 05:49 PM
AND .... he's still missing. No one has found him. He's fugative from justice now. HEY .. didn't he do a movie roll in which he was running from the law .. from Tommy Lee Jones or something?

Well .. he's had practice evading the law in the movies and so far it looks like it has helped him in real life. Still no sign of the guy ....

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 06:01 PM
Missing in action!!!

I hope they find his ars and bring him back straight to jail. Him and his millions.


This in no way reflects my other Hollywood friends- they pay.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 07:53 PM
So he really is living the "Fugitive?"


I think he is a great actor, but apparently a poor accountant.


posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
I think he is a great actor, but apparently a poor accountant.

Actually I think he understands money very well. He filed false tax returns claiming the government owed him hundreds of thousands of dollars. And the PAID HIM!!! He blatently stole and used a system he understood.

What a waste. He's such a talent. And now he's nothing more than a criminal on the lam (with tons of money).

Still no sign of him, and the press has stopped talking about it.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 12:14 PM
UPDATE - Wesley Snipes arrested at Orlando Airport today.

Guess they found him.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 12:26 PM
He better brush up on his Kung-Fu 'cause he's about to become somebody's bitch.


posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 02:11 PM
now that he is found and going to court do you think he will make it well known that the american tax system is a fraud?

put up a fight in the publics eye so that the FED gets shut down.
i hope so

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 05:49 AM
And now .... Wesley Snipes says he's being targeted because he's black.

story here

Guess he should get a 'get out of jail free' card because he's black .. he should be allowed to evade paying taxes because he's black ... he should get special treatment because he's black?

Fact is .. there is enough evidence that the law has been broken so the feds will be looking into it .. just like they'd look into it for anyone else.

Gawd .. 'the race card'

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