posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 12:47 AM
Communism is retarded. And democrats arent Marxists.
This is the kind of republican-democrat b/s that has our country so polarized.
Most big politicians are just corrupted by power and money, unknowingly leading them selfs and us to our own demise. The people that run the show
arent at the White House, not by any official status anyway.
And communism was funded by the same capitalists they claim to hate.
Lennons revolution was funded by the Rothchilds and Rockefeller group.
Communists today think they are so clevar, but don't even realize who it was funding all those wars. Capitalists, thats who. the communists are
working for the same people that control those in our White House, regardless of if they know it or not.
The U.S. government(CIA) admits putting Mao into power, along with sevral other stalinist dictatorships. This is done to form an illusion that no one
group of people could control the world so thoroughly, and also to collect massive profits from millitary expenses suffered in war time. (Can't have
war without a bad-guy)
Keep in mind the CIA is nothing more than one of the American strong-arms of the illuminati. The CIA is used often to coordinate illuminati affairs.