posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 07:21 AM
Howdy Little One,
You're from a rez? Which tribe? I'm Sac & Fox, myself.
The Sac have a saying: "Wisdom comes in Listening."
The tribal elders will not talk over the young. They will listen and wait, and when all is quiet, they speak. Everyone listens when the elders speak
because it is so rare when they do, and when they do speak it is usually brief. The wise listen to their words and mull them over, because by the next
powow, that elder may be walking with the ennui.
For those that do not attend powows, and have no tribe, watch any Kevin Smith movie with Silent Bob in it. For the vast majority of the movie, he
never speaks. When he does speak it is usually brief, humorous, and insightful. People might not remember any part of the rest of the dialogue in the
movie, but they remember the words that Silent Bob speaks.
If you wish to be taken seriously when you speak, but your physical age acts against you when face to face, then practice the art of silence,
listening, and do not speak until everyone around you has quieted down and are themselves listening for the next words. Then speak. Be brief. Be
sincere. Be seated. People will listen and mull over one sentence far longer than they will lengthy speeches about enlightenment. I babble on ATS all
the time, because people can pause in reading, go back and read later, and half the time I'm typing for myself anyway, but in real life, I say little
more than a few sentences a day when not talking to customers.
Hope this helps.