posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 12:22 AM
Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Our submarine surveillance is so good that it is not possible for one to get near our ports?
Has it ever happened that a foreign sub ended up undetected in US waters?
BTW, thanks for all the great info
There area a couple of articles that may help you understand the answer to that question:
1)An incident involving a chinese sub(this one was an old noisy nuclear one though) intruding in Japanese territorial waters. Now remember that the
Japanese ASW (anti sub warfare/weaponry?) tech is definitely one of the best in the world if not the best. It is highly probable that the Chinese were
testing the the reach of Japanese ASW capabilities here.
Good Read
2)AIP technology which just maybe can be applied to NK subs, but thats a very remote possibility:
AIP(Air independant Propulsion?) technology allows diesel subs to remain submerged for longer durations thus drastically improving stealth longevity
in Open seas.
The USN was recently involved in hunting war games with a Gotland Class Swedish diesel electric sub having AIP, and they(USN)didn't find it to be
extremely easy to detect/hunt down that Swedish sub.
AIP 101
ATS Links on the Gotland-USN exercise:
Keeping the above two points in mind, IMHO it is not
impossible for NK subs to slip through USN ASW nets, but it is highly improbable not only
because USN ASW is good, but also because the N Koreans would need to jazz up their sub fleet by a LOT to be able to even attempt such a thing..
EDIT: Needed to debug my bbcode
[edit on 19-10-2006 by Daedalus3]
mod edit, fixed code
[edit on 20-10-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]