posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 09:34 AM
She may as well be in another room so no one sees her and she speaks via a wire connection from a microphone through the classroom wall, or even
better have a one way mirror in the class room so you will never see her if its that important, same difference.
Maybe body language helps, then I guess a smile or a few expressions all help contribute the meaning of words too. Its actually harmful not to recieve
sunlight although the vail may help against smog. You send an English teacher to her country and see that she must be covered, if she fights for
rights then she should also understand that maybe the ones who visit muslim countries have rights not to wear them, but no one speaks of not to being
covered up for the sake of diversity in a Muslim country.
Don't wear a cross either you may offend a vampire Satanist too.
Sorry I can sound serious but not right now.